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New featues

Posted: 12-03-2003 05:20
by Skold
Hi. First post. Don't hurt me too bad. lol!

Anyh00 - i've only been playing DB since 1.4b but it's very addicting so that's pretty much all i've been playing since it was released. i played 1.6 tonite for the first time and noticed something: it's not very n00b freindly.

Now, i'm sure peeps are wondering"why the fuck do we want n00bs?" but the fact is, if you don't attract new players the mod will die. i guess it's up to David and if he'd rather a small set of players familair with complicated rules, or a tons of players with an easy-to-learn mod. See where i'm going w/ this? ;)

i think the reason that CTF and DM/TDM are far more popular than Assault/Domination/everything else is because people don't have to read manuals. And i think speed is making DB a little too complicated. Don't get me wrong - i really like speed. But this game is in it's infancy and therefore relies on new people picking it up. Introduce offsides and other stuff and i think there's no chance of that.

So, plink plink, my worthless 2 cents. i'm a noob and am just ok at DB... But i honestly think the complicated rules will drive people away from what is now my favorite mod and i thought i'd post it. Plus the fact that i'm drunk helps!

ggs all and keep up the good work David... :)

Re: New featues

Posted: 12-03-2003 05:22
by night
Skold wrote: it's not very n00b freindly

ohhh.... the irony....

Posted: 12-03-2003 07:24
by Surge
your on crack kid... check yourself

Posted: 12-03-2003 07:51
by theberkin8or
offsides on ffa=hell

but i think you are wrong about the whole not n00b friendly, n00bs are geting much faster than they did in that past, due not only to the game changes but also the higher level of play

Posted: 12-03-2003 08:03
by Skold
Oh isn't it so ironic! [/sarcasm] Man you guys can make a mod to be a l33t clubhouse any day...

just trying to be the voice of the n00b here... no need to make fun of me (altough i understand it is hard to resist!).

Just saying.

Thanks! :)

[edit]: oh i think you were not making fun of me as a n00b, but of n00bs not playing DB very well. If so, you've hit the point i am trying to make. Peeps can't boost in pubs, and now you want them to sprint...? heh. just my worthless opinion as always.

Posted: 12-03-2003 09:33
by night
its not supposed to be noob friendly (me and davids vision for it anyway).
it is supposed to be something that takes time to master. with multiple lvls of play that give teams more personality.

if it were noob friendly it would be boring as hell after a week.

Posted: 12-03-2003 15:55
by Cyph
Night: it's supposed to be easy to learn, hard to master, and it usually is.

Skold: I think the only problem is that it's not been done before, so n00bs don't know what to expect. Players come expecting to be able to kill people, not knowing you can charge and so on, but if they watch properly it only takes a few games to be perfectly competent. Public servers are naturally not going to be noob friendly, because DB is totally reliant on teamplay, and a player who's shit and doesn't know what to do is going to piss you off no matter what you do :)

Posted: 12-03-2003 16:30
by DavidM
well, yes and no
it is as n00b friendly as 1.4b
just dont activate the advance sprint and curve
they are pro-ish
i made them be off by default to be n00b friendly

Posted: 12-03-2003 17:51
by Skold
Good points.

Don't you hate when you're reading forums and come across your post that you don't remember posting the night before? Heh!

Posted: 13-03-2003 19:00
by |NERV|NapalmDaw
Skold is just like that.

He's been banging on l33t clubhouse doors for decades.