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phpbb Smileys smack yo azz :)

Posted: 11-03-2003 20:58
by L33FY
Yay :) Me likey phpbb.

This forum looks and gets better every day ;)

For the hell of it:

:spammer: :lol: :ban: :ban: :ban: :lol: :spammer:


Posted: 11-03-2003 21:01
by Maegrim
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 11-03-2003 21:27
by DavidM
could you guyus now plz stop spamming this forum?
50% of the threads is nothing but spam

Posted: 11-03-2003 21:51
by Maegrim
okok ;)

Posted: 11-03-2003 22:20
by L33FY
Omg maegrim can use animation factory. :|

Posted: 11-03-2003 22:47
by theberkin8or
meagrim that makes me drizzy

Posted: 12-03-2003 08:47
by Maegrim
good :p
/me adds a couple more frames :devil:

Posted: 15-03-2003 03:47
by FrostyCoolSlug
hmm, dont you need permission to use PHPbb smilies with a vBulletin? i know ppl who have faced legal action over this issue...

Posted: 17-03-2003 18:22
by RedFox
OMG, SPAM is everywhere!!!

Posted: 17-03-2003 18:43
by NitrousOxide
RedFox wrote: OMG, SPAM is everywhere!!!

Yep, spam is spreading... spammy forums, a player called 'Spamball!' just saying "spam!" in the spammy public servers, where we see spammy boost/sprint/quad-jump/volleys/'noob-volleys'/intercept-volleys/lobs...

Re: phpbb Smileys smack yo azz :)

Posted: 17-03-2003 20:24
by DiStUrbeD
L33FY wrote: Yay :) Me likey phpbb.

This forum looks and gets better every day ;)


Posted: 17-03-2003 21:13
by L33FY
....? :|

Posted: 18-03-2003 01:39
by DiStUrbeD
joking :)


Posted: 18-03-2003 11:02
by Insidious {FCU}
4LL (_)r B4s3 4r3 b3l0ng t0 (_)s
(_) h4v3 n0 ch4nc3 to s(_)rv1v3 0(_)r sp4m m4k3 (_)r t1m3!

:spammer: :lol:

Posted: 18-03-2003 14:57
by BuRnEr
Well maybe an Off- Spam Part for this forum can help?