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Posted: 31-08-2004 07:26
by Young_One
i found this game the other day and i love it. hope you do too :D ... htningpool

buncha other games here

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:28
by [1234]Jr
16,638 :/ lost on the "beat the keeper" round

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:37
by Messy
Found out time goes by too quickly if you try and speak to people on msn too :rolleyes: so I lost on the 3rd level :x

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:38
by Sixty
I love it \o/

6 atm.

Posted: 31-08-2004 12:36
by [1234]Jr
up to 19 "free kick 2" :/

Posted: 31-08-2004 13:08
by Shev.npu
fuckit, score past keeper was buggin me

Posted: 31-08-2004 13:14
by l0afz
lightning bolt :x

5 or 6 it is

Posted: 31-08-2004 18:27
by speedy
free kick is really hard :|

Posted: 31-08-2004 18:59
by l0afz
Jr how the hell did you get past #14 - Abyss



edit: Gah free kick 2 #19 :\

Posted: 31-08-2004 22:07
by Young_One
yea, im on number 24 right now :D

its fun fun stuff

i cant get any of those damn secrect levels to work though. i got 10 coins and then no secrect level came up :\

Posted: 31-08-2004 22:26
by Sixty
Same problem here. After 16 it's just all the same though

Posted: 31-08-2004 23:43
by l0afz
on #24 too

damn that abyss

Posted: 01-09-2004 00:20
by DavidM
lighting bolt, no fair!
well only had 1 attempt so far

Posted: 01-09-2004 00:36
by DavidM
omg @ dimples
8 is unfair

Posted: 01-09-2004 03:34
by siLVer
boring after lvl 29 -.-