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Posted: 31-08-2004 06:35
by CurvE
Just a little complaint to make.... I dunno if everyone has the exact same problem as me... but... here goes...

If i remember correctly... this is a 'WeaponChange' bug?
and was fixed in the UT2003 version...

What i mean is... When i collect the ball in any situation (Volley/Pass/Overload/Interception/Self-Volley/Bounce) there is about at least 2 seconds untill i can charge up or deliver someone a RMB pass... even if i hold down LMB... the power bar does not fill, no sound.... not even a weak shot untill 2 seconds have passed.... i dont know if this is a general bug... but this is what happens for me.

/end of Moaning.

Posted: 31-08-2004 07:51
by Jas<ASH>Ace
Yeah that REALLY gets on my nerves too....

Posted: 31-08-2004 10:48
by l0afz
Agree! lol!

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:01
by Onge
It is annoying having to press rmb twice to get a quick pass away, but if I recall correctly there was a time where there no delay at all and it was unplayable.

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:14
by Sixty
Yes it was cause you would auto-release it when volleying 0.01 sec too late. Then it was changed to 0.35 secs or so, worked.
Dunno what happened now.

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:16
by Messy
Yup..balancing is near impossible because of lag differences tbh :o

Wasn't it announced to be optionable or even customizable?

Posted: 31-08-2004 11:55
by Shev.npu
idd @ curve

rmb works though, not all times i agree, it shoots without releasing O_o but most often its quite quick

Posted: 31-08-2004 12:46
by Morning*Star
Sixty wrote: Yes it was cause you would auto-release it when volleying 0.01 sec too late. Then it was changed to 0.35 secs or so, worked.
Dunno what happened now.
solution, dont volley too late. also im pretty sure 1.9b didnt have much delay at all and people didnt moan about accidently firing after mistiming a volley then

Posted: 31-08-2004 14:49
by DavidM
This stuff is so hard to fix, because of lag it gets you so many weapon bugs.

But the "powerup" delay is only there when you keep the button pressed. When you press it right after getting the ball it starts powering up fine for me.

1.9b's weapon code was so good, but the change to ut2004 fucked things up.
If you are nice to Cata you can have him look at it again maybe. Afterall he made the great 1.9 weapon code. I can'T tell you much, I'm no coder, I can't look into that stuff, neither do I exactly know what happened from 1.9b to 2.0, but it's bugging me too.
When I tell a coder to "remove the delay" he will most likely start fucking with values that just create shotbugs in the end, or hammer no working etc, you know them.

Posted: 31-08-2004 15:12
by makush
DavidM wrote:
1.9b's weapon code was so good, but the change to ut2004 fucked things up.
If you are nice to Cata you can have him look at it again maybe. Afterall he made the great 1.9 weapon code.

Actually I deleted his code for v1.9b. Instead of that code is used as basis of v2.0 code, because it was impossible to use v1.9b code...

v1.9b code used 4 firemodes as their own classes, but in UT2004 it's virtually impossible to have a weapon with 4 firemodes unless they are capsulated in to 2 firemode classes (altfire + primary fire) as cata did.

Posted: 31-08-2004 15:14
by DavidM
Was it THAT different?

Posted: 31-08-2004 15:19
by makush
It's very different actually. In 1.9b your firemode instances are destroyed when you get ball or drop ball, thus the hammer gets reset well....

Posted: 31-08-2004 15:21
by DavidM
and why would it not work in 2.x ?
just tell the whole story, what i just mailed you.
might help us get a better weapon again

Posted: 31-08-2004 15:41
by makush
DavidM: "Why the 1.9b code can't be converted..."

In UT2004 you CAN NOT destroy firemodes unless weapon owner gets killed. Destroying firemodes causes dangling pointers, which causes general protection faults. Pointer is a address to memory space, which, in this case, contains firemode code. In UT2004 you can't clear the pointer to your firemode, so if you destroy firemode, the pointer starts pointing to invalid memory space..

Destroying firemode was important, because that way your hammer charging/firing did not get to other mode, like now you might start charging even though you actually fired the weapon BEFORE you had the ball. There's a lot of native code involved with weapon and firemodes, so I don't know or can't change everything what happens for sure.

DavidM: "What you used for 2.0 instead..."

Like I said, cata's code. There you got alt and primary firemode classes and no more. These classes contain hammer and launcher mode code. So you don't destroy your firemode, but you just change firemode state when you get the ball or drop the ball.

DavidM: "What could be done? current weapon situation aint good, but 1.9b was just perfect"

Somebody needs to rewrite the weapon. With the latest patch the person might be succesful. Please remember that the v2.x code was made before the latest UT2004 patch, which I guess fixes some of the weapon problems, thus you don't need all kind of checks. I suggest writing and testing all weapon code from scratch.

Nuff said?

Posted: 31-08-2004 15:45
by DavidM
I think so, thanks