Help Me Fix The UT2004 Guy in DB Thread <--by SuperBitch

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Help Me Fix The UT2004 Guy in DB Thread <--by SuperBitch

Post by mpratt »

Hi Guys,

Help me fix thisUT2004 Guy in DB bug. I only have so much free time and I spend most of my time coding and not so much playing.

So I need to know how to reproduce this bug in game so I can see it. And I would like to here exactly what this bug is like in the experiance of deathball players.

For this one too I would like to know your experiance. Do they happen when a client launches the game in a certain way? Do you only get them when you launch from a ut2004://link address?

This will help alot!

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Post by DiStUrbeD »

i saw it on a server today, joined using my shortcut i made (UT2004.exe -mod=DeathBall) and connected via the server browser

It's just malcom spawned all over the map
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Post by Strideur »

I'm not positive about when it happens, but when it does it appears as though you've spawned normally after death. The difference being that your middle "radar" HUD is gone and is replaced by a small crosshair.

At this point, you can't move and it swaps in between first person view, and a third person view of a Malcolm model. If you press the shoot button, every time you press it, another Malcolm will spawn up to about 4 of them. Then you can't do anything.

You've also become a spectator and must use esc, then join team to get back into the game. <<< sometimes this doesn't fix it.

Also, after this happens, if you have bots balancing teams they get all messed up and the teams won't be even unless you manually fix it. Your votes to skip replays also don't seem to be counted after this happens.

Alot of the time, perhaps always, right before this "event" occurs, you will spawn deep in the opposing players end of the field after a point. You next death triggers this event it seems. When you rejoin your team, a bot on the other team will leave, so it's almost as though the server thinks you changed teams mid game, even though you didn't.
Last edited by Strideur on 25-08-2004 08:00, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

"The difference being that your middle "radar" HUD is gone and is replaced by a small crosshair."

somehow sounds like the old serverbug we had. strideur, did the server delete its old and dbuser.ini?

i think it also has something to do with server setup. well all i can do now is test stuff on DBL1, did that but.....its all normal. If someone knows how to get the bug, please contact me as soon as possible and show me on DBL1
Last edited by DavidM on 25-08-2004 13:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

I've heard you get a black screen (of death) when you try to connect to a server if you changed your character. I tried that....but I always could join.
An idea anyone?

And who did use this "change caracter box" in the player settings tab? If you did, did anything suspicious happen? If not, anything suspicious tho?
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Post by l0afz »

Doubt its related, but I saw a UT2004 (ghost) guy in my server when I was playing a 1on1. DB in not installed on the server.

Maybe its some ut2004 bug just .. moved into db?

I donno, just thought I would spurt that out =)
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Post by priior »

the only suspicious thing that happened is.. my charatcer didnt change :)

gave the impression it's an unimplemented feature.

has anyone else gotten this problem? (changing character and not getting into servers)
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Post by Maegrim »

DavidM wrote: And who did use this "change caracter box" in the player settings tab? If you did, did anything suspicious happen? If not, anything suspicious tho?

i did, game worked fine.
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Post by Strideur »

DavidM wrote: somehow sounds like the old serverbug we had. strideur, did the server delete its old and dbuser.ini?
Hmm... no. The files were still in the deathball folder. I've deleted them and I'll try it that way and see if it makes a difference.
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Post by DavidM »

they must be deleted, because there have been default.ini changes.
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Post by Strideur »

If you mean old as in previous version... 2.1 is the only version that's been on the server.
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Post by Strideur »

Still happening after removal of those files...

2 error messages I noticed both times I got the bug tonight:

After a score during the replay:

Error: Switchcam value higher than amount of cameras in level
(I had not switched cameras)

Clicking the fire button or attempting to change cameras resulted in:
Error: Cannot view cameras when not spectating

Immediately after this replay I respawned on the opposite teams side of the pitch. Next death triggered the bug.

The second time I stayed alive for 2 goals before I killed myself and during each replay I got the same messages on screen. Even after 2 replays the next death triggered the bug. After each replay I respawned on the wrong side.
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Post by Esorcismo »

that's the problem right there, tested and retested... gg once again
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Post by XiD »

How to reproduce bug: try to change cameras during replay sequence of goals (# keys, 1-9 depending on how many cameras set up).

Not sure if this was said, i only skimmed the above...just tryin to help.
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Post by DavidM »

xid which bug exactly do you mean?