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I don't want to play soccer...

Posted: 24-08-2004 04:19
by Maelstrom
Ok, first of all, what got me ''into'' this game is the fact that it was different of every other mods out there, sport-wise. DB is, correction, WAS, a mix of hockey, football, soccer... whatever. It didn't have a definition. I think I voice all of NA when I say that I don't want to play fucking SOCCER when I load up DB. If I want to play SOCCER, I'm gonna get that stupid FIFA game or whatever the hell it is nowadays. My point is, leave the game as it is and tweak it until you reach perfection, THEN you can add different options related to all your soccer crap... but leave the core of the game as DEATHBALL and not the other way around. This is plain ridiculous. Here's how DB is:


New tricks

Patch, no more tricks

New tricks... and so on. You get the idea.

Stop taking away the stuff we like and leave it in. This isn't your mod, it's the community's. You HAVE TO hear people's opinion unless you want to make your own fucking mod and play with yourself all the time.

I totally agree with you that DB should be team oriented, but the way it's going is that around 2.5 if it survives untill then, we'll only have the fucking pass/shot buttons. You need to develop a single-man strategy or whatever so that each player can perform at different positions depending on their individual talent... if you're good at faking the D with your wall-volleys, wall-sets, 360's charged shots, what-the-fuck ever, then play O. If you don't fall for any of those, then you get to play D. If you think that bounce+volleys are easy to save, you get my point, you play keeper.

Oh yeah, if you haven't noticed yet, I'm talking to the DB team leader, whoever it is.


Here's one for you. THEY CAN'T QUAD JUMP IN SOCCER. 0mgr0fltakeitawayplz or die. (Thx to priior for his guide.)



I'm not done yet, it's just all I had to say for now... forgive the poor english and scattered ideas...

DISCUSS. I will add more and reply to whoever opposes my ideas and defend them with respect. This is not a flamming, whining, whatever thread.

That's it...

Posted: 24-08-2004 04:46
by beefsack
i have to say, that response was not suprising coming from the people of country that gave birth to volley only servers. :p

the idea behind deathball isnt about fancy things that can capture the imagination of a person without an attention span. deathball is dynamic, its not about how teams can whore pre defined moves to amass goals, but on how people in a team can work together with tactics and adjust depending on the opposition at hand. if deathball is all about tricks then the newbies will find it hard to join and games will become boring because they are all the same. the reason why deathball has longevity is with each different team you have to play differently and that makes it stay interesting.

oh, and a final point, it isnt your mod until you write it yourself, im not defending davidm and the team, im just asking for people to stop assuming they own it, its just idiotic.

Posted: 24-08-2004 05:25
by Esorcismo
Hey mael, congratulations dude for the first time I actually 100% agree with you, just took someone with some balls to finally say it.

Posted: 24-08-2004 05:25
by Weisso
I actually like this change. A lot of the play I do, and teach to newer players, is based around shooting the ball, or faking out the keeper out front by not volleying, by being aggressive in play, and going for the net, rather then hanging around waiting for the volley setup. As someone who hates volley only servers, I'm thanking that this happened. Now we might actually start getting players in that have skills in shooting and such, rather than people who just jump around and volley everything at the net.

Thankfully, DavidM is ignoring the people that are so for volley, and is making the game his way, rather than listening to the crying people who depend on something like random high powered volleys to score goals.


Posted: 24-08-2004 05:34
by Inphidel
there are alot of players who can shoot accurately already. decreasing the self-volley speed has some adverse effects. it makes DB easier for defenders simply by taking out one possibility the offense has. one a 1 on 2. (o alone) he has to wait for others to boost up, which also include more D being boosted up. now the individual talent of a good offensive player can't shine through if he has the ability to work the ball around the defender for a volley shot. now he's faced with a shot that goes slower then if he farted on the ball ;)

the less possibilities for an individual in a match is making the game stale for some players.

Think abuot the public aspect of this game as well. one reason DB has problems picking up new players is 2 or 3 people join a server with a large map. they score. wait for the 20 second replay. only to get scored on again. if your lucky they hangout for more people to join. otherwise think this game is kinda lame, and go paly something with a little more action.

as much as VO has gotten boring for more veterin players. its carries over that frantic speed of a game that attracts players. why else do you think VO servers are so dominant? the dirrection of this game could be self-defeating.


Posted: 24-08-2004 05:37
by Maelstrom
Beefsack, you're just not getting my point, at all. Read the thread title, and then post again. And still there, if you guys (europeans) want to make it soccer-oriented, then why do you make rules that are against the physics of the game? This mod is going straight to hell I say...

And by the way, a President doesn't ''own'' a country, just like a mod leader doesn't own its mod. This is democracy, remember? Listen to the people and change your mod in consequence...

Also, Weisso, like I said, I agree with you about the playing ''style'' you mentionned, I don't have a problem with it and no matter what you guys think I prefer to take a shot over a volley and I always do unless the server is set to VO, but my point is that you don't need to REMOVE everything we LIKE and apply timing rules that prevent individuals from doing what's necessary to score, pass, setup, whatever...

Posted: 24-08-2004 05:39
by Lima_Bean
I guess this is kind of what I was trying to say in my post...yeah...I agree with ya inph and mael

Posted: 24-08-2004 05:40
by Weisso
Originally posted by Maelstrom
And by the way, a President doesn't ''own'' a country, just like a mod leader doesn't own its mod. This is democracy, remember? Listen to the people and change your mod in consequence...

Comparing mod's and the president is totally irrelevant. The mod is the leader/teams IP, so yes they do own their mod. For all they care, they could get rid of the forums, and comments on news posts, their IRC channels, etc., and develop the game without complaints from the crowds, and many of us would stay just because we love the game, and those that didn't like it would simply leave. However, they are open for suggestions from people, while maintaining the development of their own vision. This is something that can not be stopped by the people, no matter how strongly they argue against it.


Posted: 24-08-2004 06:20
by Maelstrom
I'm gonna stick to politics for the hell of it.

Know what happens when a country leader doesn't pay attention to his citizens? That's what's gonna happen. You're right, he can do whatever the fuck he wants, but then he'll have to live with the consequences... DB is fucking dying, why the hell are you not listening to popular opinion yet? Don't be ignorant, Weisso. You know just like me what's happening with DB and its leadership...

Posted: 24-08-2004 06:25
by Weisso
As someone who's been developing a mod for a while now, I can understand where DavidM is coming from in ignoring people. We have our own vision of how the mod should come out. Naturally, people will complain about stuff they don't like, but in the end, it comes down to the mod's team to continue with their own vision of how the mod should ultimately become, rather then changing things because of people's opinions on the subject. If the teams behind the mod sat and changed everything that people complained about, the mod wouldn't be their vision, rather the vision of the people that lack the skills to create their own mod, or are simply too lazy to create a mod, or lead a team creating a mod, and the team would basically become pawns to the masses.

These people are developing a game based on their own thoughts, not on those of people in the public.


Posted: 24-08-2004 06:36
by Maelstrom
Your vision of things lacks common sense, Weisso. We're helping Team Vortex, DavidM's team, to create a hell of a good mod, not trying to create our own mod by TV's means.

I don't want you to answer this question Weisso, but I'll ask David. Why did you create DB in the first place? Was it to emulate a soccer game or to create a popular game that people play to have a blast?

Posted: 24-08-2004 06:40
by Maelstrom
Oh yeah, and wouldn't the reason of the current patch updates be the fact that they want OUR INPUT to help them make the game better? Why don't they just make one, final release and then sit on their ass and let people make their own judgement of the game? It's pretty simple, they need the community's opinion on the game. The other option would be that they lack talent and don't really have an idea of what to do with the mod. But I don't even want to touch that because I respect Team Vortex's talent and effort. What I do not like in that is the fact that they don't pay enough attention to people who play the game. How many people have you seen quit around you just for that simple reason?

Posted: 24-08-2004 07:04
by Armagon
Maelstrom wrote: DB is fucking dying, why the hell are you not listening to popular opinion yet?

You should know, people have been saying that since Deathball first came out. If anything the DB community is now larger than ever (at least that's the case over here in Australia).
Originally posted by Maelstrom What I do not like in that is the fact that they don't pay enough attention to people who play the game. How many people have you seen quit around you just for that simple reason?

You may do well to notice that there are also a lot of people who have stuck with Deathball for well over a year (myself included) because of how good Team Vortex have made it. Just trust that they really DO know what they are doing and stop worrying about it.

Posted: 24-08-2004 07:20
by Rino
I agree with maelstorm 100%---- I play Deathball couse it's Deathball, not soccer, not basketball, not hockey, not football, but a mix of all and more , Just Deathball... So pls justs don't try to make it like a soccer game...
I agree also the way it's going is that we'll have soon a pass|shot button game and that could be boring...
So should be fine some new move or something like that...

Btw 1.9b was perfect to me.

Posted: 24-08-2004 07:24
by Demolution
DB Tennis > DB > DB Warfare. :D