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Another Game

Posted: 19-08-2004 13:23
by f1end

My highest ranking do far is 2019th :/

Posted: 19-08-2004 13:27
by speedy
RANKING 4347 :\

best lap: 00:17:435

Posted: 19-08-2004 13:54
by Sqleaf

10:32 (summit)

Posted: 19-08-2004 14:05
by f1end
omg!!!! h4x

Posted: 19-08-2004 14:19
by DavidM
hm! what settings you playing in?
I suggest using "Champion" without any changes

Posted: 19-08-2004 14:21
by DavidM
00:11:859 best lap

Posted: 19-08-2004 14:27
by f1end
best lap 11.734...3 laps in a row O_o

Posted: 19-08-2004 14:45
by xiller8r
i got 967th o/

Posted: 19-08-2004 14:50
by DavidM
00:11:490 (988)

Posted: 19-08-2004 17:43
by Sqleaf
Just had another go, got my time this time:

Well done Sqleaf, your best lap was 00:10:938 and your position is 836


Posted: 19-08-2004 17:58
by GoldenGun
why can u put every setting to highest?

Posted: 19-08-2004 18:06
by PHiLø
Well done philo, your best lap was 00:09:400 and your position is 807

Posted: 19-08-2004 23:09
by SBS|DarkReaper
00:06:700 :eek: (98)

EDIT: that was someone with the same nickname as me...

00:10:238 (896) :(

Posted: 19-08-2004 23:27
by DavidM
GoldenGun wrote: why can u put every setting to highest?

the highest isnt the best, you gotta find your own best setting

Posted: 19-08-2004 23:28
by DavidM

beat that