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Looking for a clan !

Posted: 08-08-2004 20:45
by KaZaar

- since bp was getting more and more inactive i decided to leave...

..and now i`m searching for a new clan

...perhaps a bit more active ;)

I`m german...20 years old..and my last position was attack

you can find me in #dbpickup under the nick: KaZ`

Posted: 08-08-2004 23:34
by Quantum
GL :p

btw i should stop spamming
3 posts a week are too much :spammer:

Posted: 09-08-2004 18:45
by KaZaar
Dange Quantum :)

Posted: 17-08-2004 10:31
by Tri[X]ple
Good luck :)
and have fun in ur next clan :lol:

Posted: 23-08-2004 22:05

Posted: 23-08-2004 22:07
ok kaz wir sind noch am reden wie es weitergeht(könntest ja mal in clanintern reinschauen, aber da warste ja noch nie drin) wenn du mal wieder online bist kanst dich ja mal melden

Posted: 23-08-2004 22:34
by Shady
test? :eek:

Posted: 24-08-2004 01:08
by Titanium
your signature sucks shady \o/

Posted: 24-08-2004 01:13
by Shady
\o/ :p