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daerht elbativeni eht

Posted: 29-07-2004 09:38
by Maegrim
\o/ tsop ht0001 ym rof daerht "mirgeam ta tihs modnar worht " eht si siht


Posted: 29-07-2004 09:48
by Rens2Sea
I'm sorry, but i don't understand your retarded babbling :O

Posted: 29-07-2004 09:54
by Shev.npu
pff maegrim u pile of spamming shit, u suck, i like to thank ur fingers for constant spamming ur shpamma shpamming horse :|:|:|:|:|:|

Posted: 29-07-2004 10:06
by f1end
gmo uoy yllaer era derob t'nera uoy

Posted: 29-07-2004 11:19
by xiller8r
lol at the people who didnt realise it was just backwards text;
!enO eciN

Re: daerht elbativeni eht

Posted: 29-07-2004 11:23
by RaGe|DB
Maegrim wrote: \o/ tsop ht0001 ym rof daerht "mirgeam ta tihs modnar worht " eht si siht


this is the "throw random shit at meagrim"" thread for my 1000th post \o/

Posted: 29-07-2004 12:18
by [GR]Kermit

Posted: 29-07-2004 12:22
by FireCell
lol, amusing.. errm grats for 1000 posts of pure excellence.

Posted: 29-07-2004 12:32
by Sixty

edit: \o/ 666 h3t ht1w 1t z3k4m 1

Posted: 29-07-2004 12:34
by [GR]Kermit
Hi Sixty YOU GOT 666 POSTS

stsop xis ytxis dna trednuh xis tog ytxis t00w

Posted: 29-07-2004 12:38
by PayLay
omg idd evil sixty ban

Posted: 29-07-2004 12:59
by Maegrim
it's the devil :devil:


Posted: 29-07-2004 16:44
by Rens2Sea
Hereby i give this thread the


Posted: 29-07-2004 17:06
by GreyFox
maegrim, take ur reward, its all that my P90 has to offer, die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111

Posted: 29-07-2004 17:16
by DavidM
daerht sith rof bmud oot saw sner kniht i