Body Deflect Abuse

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Body Deflect Abuse

Post by Dirt »

It hasn't really been an issue because it is not well known of yet, However, I see that it could be a huge problem. With the body deflect (holding down alternate fire without the ball) radius being a little higher than normal, it takes 2 non keeps inside the goal box holding down their body deflect buttons, and they are unstoppable taking up the whole goal zone with their radiis. Even if there aren't 2 people standing there, 1 person from certain angles can also be deflected reguardless of where you aim.

Basically, I would like to see it so that if you are in the penalty box, you shouldn't be able to body deflect, it should either .2 or be caught. There are other ways to fix it too, I just hope that someone can attach it to the list of things to fix for the next patch unless someone has already noted it.

Thx m8s!

P.S. Love Foo.
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Post by <_Kapi_> »

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Post by KillerRebel »


i say take out the alternate fire ability in own penalty box... should fix it.

P.S. Dirt is not sexy
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Post by giber »

You have nailed it m8. Please fix this. I can't imagine that the intentions of the right click deflect were to create an impenetrable wall. Unfortunately it has and it is being abused now.
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Post by -NS-FreshFruit »

listen to dirt, he knows the debacle that is DB 2k4.
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Post by liebs19 »

I agree. If anyone needs to see how badly this can be abused just find me on IRC tomorrow. I will show you in-game exactly why this must be fixed.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

'Just to clear it up for ya. It's called bounce ;)

BTW, we euros have never done it (I think, I as a sweeper certainly haven't) I'll try one match with it and then state my opinion bout it :o
Last edited by RaGe|DB on 15-06-2004 09:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

as you know you have a small and a big pickup radius. big one is for enemies and popups after about a half second.
might be a bug that it's big from the begin on if you are in "bounce" mode.
i'm having it checked
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Post by Fooman »

/me calls the wahmbulance for dirt. Finally defenders can get in the carriers face again and deflect passes and shots. I don't see any problems unless 2 defenders are camping the goal, if that's the case then lower the radius A LITTLE, or allow the ball to be deflected to the side and behind the defender some.

Don't go back to the days when balls went through defenders.

BTW, if this is so balanced to the defense how are both teams still getting 7+ goals a game?
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Post by Scotteh »

maybe the defense sux and dont know how to play the man....
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Post by Fooman »

Here's how it goes down.

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Post by Weisso »

yea i dunno, last night in the one scrim/pug i played in, i got 7 goals, so i don't see a problem. there have certainly been more .2 type shots that i've seen, but nothing that i would complain about, nor do i think it's a bad thing that the defense gets some breaks. after all, just means i have to do different things.

so basically, i don't see this as a problem, you can still find ways to score

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Post by tr1p »

because Foo made fun of Gurt, i must agree with him \o/

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Post by Dirt »

Here's the true story of the bounce hax

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Post by Fooman »

OH NOES!!!1 Teh secret is out.