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DeathBall high-res icon (png)

Posted: 07-06-2004 23:53
by Annon Kaies Zi
I was wondering if anyone would be willing to make a high resolution icon for DeathBall. You know, for Object Dock and things of that nature. I found one already, though it is in the yellow color, and it seems as though the logo has changed to green. Would be nice to have an official one also that came with the install.

Thanks. ^_^

Posted: 08-06-2004 09:32
by DavidM
mail me and you'll get a .psd in return

Posted: 08-06-2004 11:04
by f1end
why not make it readily people can "brand" team websites and stuff, and make "cool" wallpapers and stuff?

Posted: 08-06-2004 15:17
by Inphidel
I agree I want it so i can tattoo it on my ass

Posted: 08-06-2004 21:27
by DiStUrbeD
Inphidel wrote: I agree I want it so i can tattoo it on my ass

me too, along with "GG DavidM"

Posted: 08-06-2004 21:47
by Dream Killer
Funny story, this one time I had something branded on my ass.
. . .ok so its not really a funny story just a good lesson to learn about cattle brands, southerners, and trusting people while drinking.

Posted: 11-06-2004 01:36
by Annon Kaies Zi
Well, thanks to DavidM, I was able to get the new DeathBall 2.0 logo. :) And what did I do? I made an icon!


Posted: 11-06-2004 02:12
by DavidM
but wtf is this? :)

Posted: 11-06-2004 02:23
by R3L!K
omg don't commit him to a green ball!

im still praying for a 'choose your own ball colour' option....

(which i think you should make time for :p)

Posted: 11-06-2004 02:59
by Annon Kaies Zi
I don't have a problem with the green ball. Looks neon. O_O

Posted: 11-06-2004 04:24
by Inphidel
the greens ok. the ball skin is iffy. looks to bright. i think it should be a dark grey. with hints of rust and stuff. maybe some blood ;) ha

Posted: 11-06-2004 05:57
by beefsack
man its a deathball, it should have a guillotine strapped to the side

Posted: 11-06-2004 06:33
by Bounty
i think it's perty

Posted: 11-06-2004 16:50
by Messy
I like it :o might just be me.

And err..why make a marble with a deathball sticker? /o\

Posted: 11-06-2004 18:25
by RaGe|DB
:O lets all have db bumper stickers