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Your Community Needs You!

Posted: 07-06-2004 16:37
by Panda
DBC is making a request to all DeathBall server admins to put a link in their welcome messages to and more specifically to information about the Beginners' Event - also we would greatly appreciate any attempts to spread the word to new ballers

It's only til June 11th (the date of the euro/USA event) so you won't have to keep our message for long

Thanks very much guys

Posted: 07-06-2004 16:59
by Inphidel
yay spamming!
should see somthing on soon too i think

these are two heavy traffic news sites yah should be sending news too when you gets em TV :O for NA anyway.

Posted: 07-06-2004 17:26
by Panda
We sent a bunch of press releases out, first one I've found to have been posted is at

Posted: 07-06-2004 17:35
by Inphidel
\o/ yays

Posted: 08-06-2004 13:10
by 1234Bedlam
why don't you offer up an RSS feed then server admins can just add your feed to their own (if they are using them)


Posted: 08-06-2004 15:37
by Panda
Cheers Bedlam. It's all a load of gibberish to me but I shall pass it on to the techy people.

Posted: 08-06-2004 16:08
by Cirian
Well, Ozforces now mentions DBC in the MOTD, but we've got the 20th of June shown in it (for obvious reasons).

Posted: 08-06-2004 16:09
by Panda
Nice one :p