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Server Segfault Error - Final Release

Posted: 07-06-2004 03:05
by Towneh
I'm using FreeBSD 4.9 and it keeps bombing out everytime I try and run it, all other mods work fine.

Also re-downloaded from both mirrors in case it was a problem with that.

Code: Select all

Log: Log file open, Mon Jun  7 03:03:19 2004
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 3204 (127.29)
Init: Compiled: May 11 2004 02:25:12
Init: Command line: DB-Cube?game=Deathball.DB_Deathball ini=UT2004-Deathball.ini log=../ServerLogs/deathball.log -MOD=Deathball -nohomedir
Init: (This is Linux patch version 3204.0)
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: /home/towneh/ut2004/System/
Init: Ini:../Deathball/System/Deathball.ini   UserIni:../Deathball/System/DeathballUser.ini
Init: Build label:  Build UT2004_Patch_[2004-05-10_17.18]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Developer Backtrace:
Log: [ 1]  ./ucc-bin [0x85cc78c]
Log: [ 2]  /lib/ [0x288af929]
Log: [ 3]  [0xbfbfffbf]
Log: [ 4]  ./ucc-bin [0x85728ed]
Log: [ 5]  ./ucc-bin [0x85ab58c]
Log: [ 6]  ./ucc-bin [0x85ac5e0]
Log: [ 7]  ./ucc-bin [0x815a82d]
Log: [ 8]  ./ucc-bin [0x85ac73c]
Log: [ 9]  ./ucc-bin [0x814622c]
Log: [10]  ./ucc-bin [0x805227a]
Log: [11]  /lib/ [0x2892a4ed]
Log: [12]  ./ucc-bin(readdir+0x91) [0x804b091]
Log: Unreal Call Stack: UObject::SafeLoadError <- UObject::StaticLoadObject <- UObject::StaticLoadClass <- UServerCommandlet::Main
Exit: Exiting.
Log: FileManager: Reading 0 GByte 3 MByte 109 KByte 1006 Bytes from HD took 0.069727 seconds (0.063304 reading, 0.006423 seeking).
Log: FileManager: 0.000000 seconds spent with misc. duties
Uninitialized: Name subsystem shut down
Uninitialized: Allocation checking disabled
Uninitialized: Log file closed, Mon Jun  7 03:03:21 2004

Posted: 07-06-2004 03:09
by DavidM
FreeBSD 4.9 ?

Posted: 07-06-2004 03:17
by Catalyst88
Operating system, might want to see if Bedlam'll post, he knows about FreeBSD iirc :)

Posted: 07-06-2004 03:18
by Towneh
Hopefully this error isn't related to FreeBSD in particular, but if anyone can help or need me to supply more info about this bug i'll be happy to.

Posted: 07-06-2004 04:36
by Bazzi
You didnt use the -mod switch

Posted: 07-06-2004 09:16
by Towneh
I did, look at the 5th line in the codebox.

Posted: 07-06-2004 10:09
by makush
Is Deathball dir "Deathball", not "deathball"?

Posted: 07-06-2004 13:24
by Towneh
Same error happens regardless of the deathball folder using a capital D or not.

Posted: 07-06-2004 13:39
by makush
So, have you been able to run any version of DB 2004? And can you show what's in UT2004-Deathball.ini

Tried to rename deathball.u -> Deathball.u && deathballai.u -> DeathballAI.u?

Posted: 07-06-2004 14:12
by 1234Bedlam
FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p10 FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE-p10 #0: Mon Oct 6 10:37:02 BST 2003
Log: Log file open, Mon Jun 7 13:56:22 2004
Init: Name subsystem initialized
Init: Version: 3204 (127.29)
Init: Compiled: May 20 2004 15:50:27
Init: Command line: DB-Cube?game=Deathball.DB_Deathball -ini=../ut2-db.ini -log=../ut2-db.log multihome= -nohomedir
Init: (This is Linux patch version 3204.1)
Init: Character set: Unicode
Init: Base directory: /usr/home/~~~~/ut2004/System/
Init: Ini:../ut2-db.ini UserIni:User.ini
Init: Build label: Build UT2004_Patch_[2004-05-10_17.18]
Init: Object subsystem initialized
Log: Executing Class Engine.ServerCommandlet
Warning: Missing Class Class Editor.TransBuffer
Log: Browse: DB-Cube?Name=Player?Class=Engine.Pawn?Character=Jakob?team=255?game=Deathball.DB_Deathball
Log: Collecting garbage
Log: Purging garbage
Log: Garbage: objects: 39171->39168; refs: 453321
Log: Game class is 'DB_DeathBall'
Log: setsockopt with IP_RECVERR failed
Log: Bringing Level DB-Cube.myLevel up for play (20) appSeconds: 14.492899...
ScriptLog: InitGame
ScriptLog: Loading Admins & Groups
ScriptLog: Kick and Ban Privileges Loaded
ScriptLog: Maps & Game Privileges Loaded
ScriptLog: Admins & Groups Management Loaded
ScriptLog: Extra Privileges Loaded
ReservedSlots: ReservedSlots version 107c
ReservedSlots: 2 slots reserved
ReservedSlots: ReservedSlotsHelperIni mutator loaded
ReservedSlots: Johannes Blume / 'Cirr' -
ScriptLog: GameInfo::InitGame : bEnableStatLogging True
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : KeeperMaxHoldTime 7
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bLongShots True
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bPracticeMode False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : SelfGoalMax 2
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : MaxIdleTime 180.00
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : EndGameType 3
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : OvertimeTime 5
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : b2GoalWin False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bShortReset False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : ReplayAmount 1
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : EndGameReplays False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bOnlyVolleyGoals False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bOnlyDistanceGoals False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bImpedeBallCarrier False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bOnlyTeamVolleyGoals False
ScriptLog: Deathball::InitGame : bSpamProtection True
ScriptLog: MasterServerGameStats initializing
ScriptLog: Camera: 2 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 6 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 6 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 2 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 3 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 3 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 2 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 2 tracks found
ScriptLog: Camera: 2 tracks found
ScriptLog: UdpServerQuery(crt): Port 7787 successfully bound.
Log: Resolving
Log: Resolving
WebAdmin: Loading Available Maps
WebAdmin: Loading Game Types
WebAdmin: xWebAdmin.UTServerAdmin Initialized on port 8880
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
ScriptLog: Camera taking control of DB-Cube.DB_CameraPawn
Log: Adding temporary MD5 Database record for Package deathball [92495a6fa0c6e7061a117e9527bfaf2e]
Log: Adding temporary MD5 Database record for Package DeathballAI [00ba56360f931ae2c99799df42774b16]
Log: MasterServerUplink: Resolved as
Log: Resolved (
ScriptLog: UdpGameSpyUplink: Master Server is
ScriptLog: UdpGameSpyUplink: Port 7788 successfully bound.
Log: MasterServerUplink: Connection to established.
Log: Approval APPROVED
Log: Master server requests heartbeat 0 with code 9136
Log: Master server requests heartbeat 1 with code 9136
Log: Master ser ... etc

We use a newer version of FreeBSD and we also don't use the -mod swicth. Instead I add the paths to the DB folders to the our db ini file you could try that.

One other thing I noticed is that you are using the beta linux patch still. Try upgrading to the latest (6th line down on your log says "Init: (This is Linux patch version 3204.0)" while mine says "Init: (This is Linux patch version 3204.1)"

Posted: 07-06-2004 14:18
by Towneh
Thanks for the advice, I don't think FreeBSD 5.x is the answer though, seeing as all other mods run fine.

But i'll try running it with 3204.1 and without the -mod switch and see what happens.