Linux Server Issues

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Linux Server Issues

Post by Armagon »

I don't know if someone has already addressed you about this particular Linux server issue, but I thought I should let you know just in case.

Here in Australia, OzForces provided our DB server. We recently asked Quietman (the admin who handles servers) if he could put one up of the new DB 2.0 beta. He wasn't able to do so successfully and had this to say:
Quietman wrote: Team vortex seems to have missed an important aspect to consider with linux servers. The paths in linux are case sensitive, the ini they have included refers to a directory called Deathball but of course the directory created is deathball.

Pretty easy to fix and I will have a stab at it later today but I really don't like mods that expect me to fix up their mistakes.
Quietman wrote: Had a stab and ...nope

I will wait until its out of beta ...and maybe not even then.
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

Most DB installations have been like that. We use FreeBSD for the [1234] servers - we only have one installation of UT2004 (1 user name, 1 directory) but multiple server.ini files. All I did to install DB was to unzip it in the root ut2004 directory and add the paths to the server.ini by hand (a custom 1234mod directory mean I have to do this for all installed mods)

If it helps any our startup script chucks out

./ucc-bin server DB-Cube?game=Deathball.DB_Deathball -ini=../db.ini -log=../db.log multihome= -nohomedir > ../db.console 2>&1; \

I think Imaginos wrote something similar in one of the sticky threads.