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Posted: 24-05-2004 23:45
by bluesatin
This was a mod for UT2003, i loved it and had hours upon hours of fun with it...
I then lost my UT2003 cd and code :( (not asking for 1 b4 u flame me)

The game was basicly kill this guy and watch him die with ragdoll physics...

I was wondering if any1 could please give me a link to a port OR port this mod into UT04 :)

::Pfffff:: ::Pfffff:: ::Pfffff:: please :)

Posted: 24-05-2004 23:47
by BlackFlame

Posted: 25-05-2004 03:13
by CorDawg
i think there was ninja rope mutator that could grab a guy and pull him around, was neat

Posted: 25-05-2004 04:35
by Scotteh
ya i love ninja rope but that has nothing to do with what that guy was asking for lol

Posted: 25-05-2004 08:33
by speedy
i really liked this mutator in ut2003. bouncy ragdolls wee!
i know of no ut2004 conversion. maybe you could ask the author?

Posted: 25-05-2004 15:08
by Messy you mean the Stairs mod?

Where you could pick a point and power to push a ragdoll, of stairs or pretty much anything :)

Insidious and Shuriken had made a map for this, pretty huge trajectory..pretty cool :o

Might wanna search for Stairs, if it's not what you mean, then it's similar and most likely better ;)

Posted: 25-05-2004 15:42
by speedy
he means the mutator where you can change the ragdoll properties, like bouncyness and stuff

Posted: 25-05-2004 17:19
by bluesatin
okay thanks for all the help... seems i will have to email him, im sure if plenty of u ask him nicely he will happily port it. I guess it uses a lot less time to port it then create it from scratch :)

Posted: 25-05-2004 18:15
by bluesatin
No its not a mutator its a complete mod for unreal tournament 2003.. u can check the website just go on google and search for karmaed and it shud come up.

Basicly there is a guy standing there and not moving then u get to kill him and he dus flips and stuff down whatever obsticle that is on the map :) very good mod for making good death scenes :D

Posted: 25-05-2004 18:44
by speedy
bluesatin wrote: No its not a mutator its a complete mod for unreal tournament 2003.. u can check the website just go on google and search for karmaed and it shud come up.

Basicly there is a guy standing there and not moving then u get to kill him and he dus flips and stuff down whatever obsticle that is on the map :) very good mod for making good death scenes :D
that's not what he's talking about. or is it?

i am confused.

Posted: 25-05-2004 19:15
by bluesatin
It isnt a mutator, it is like there is a person that spawns and sorta stands/hovers over a big slope or stairs or something

You then shoot him/hit him and he flies off the ledge or stairs and then he just dus ragdoll physics down the slope/stairs

Posted: 25-05-2004 19:15
by bluesatin
I think it might be the 'stairs' mod, but i cannot find that :( oh well

Posted: 25-05-2004 19:49
by speedy
i knooooow. i've played it. :p

but what confuses me is the title and the replies.
if i remember correctly there was a mutator called karmaEd and you could change the ragdoll physics

Posted: 25-05-2004 20:02
by -=LyNx=-

Posted: 25-05-2004 21:19
by speedy
i got mixed up then. :(
yeah it's the stairs one.