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2.0 Beta #3 Bugs

Posted: 24-05-2004 17:48
by Onge
FIXED - November looks odd:

FIXED - Ball Reset is bugged in November...The ball flew out of the arena and was only reset after the ball was idle for a while.

FEATURE - You still die if you're standing on the center spot when the ball resets.

- Models need to be more team colour specific...White shirts make it hard to pick out who is on what team.

FIXED - Cube adverts still bugged (see this thread for more).

- My player lost all the custom skin settings after a short while. After that the taunt animations wouldn't work either.

Posted: 24-05-2004 17:54
by [1234]Jr
I think there should be a bug thread :s

Posted: 24-05-2004 17:58
by Twigstir
From the news page:

Known Bugs:
-Player Customization is alpha, only a minimum of all planed options are added so far, and the existing ones will be redone (cause they can look much better)
FIXED -Server browser seems bugged (not showing Deathball servers), so you need an IP to join at the moment
-Menu isn't completely done yet
FIXED -Player rotation in Offline-Replay wrong
FIXED -Hair color selection not working online
FIXED -Skin detail linked to texture detail (character option useless atm, texture detail is controling both)
FIXED -Map Loading Screens not showing proper pic
FIXED -World detail not "normal" by default yet
-Game "forgets" your customized character, so you get naked suddenly
FIXED -No crosshair

Posted: 24-05-2004 18:54
by Messy
Let's get NAKE IT suddenly .o/

btw, isn't the kill @ center spot ballspawn a feature?

Posted: 24-05-2004 18:58
by DavidM
just go on, i read it all, and fix what i can and tell the others what to do

Posted: 24-05-2004 19:08
by drunkpug
yea david any idea what is causing my problem the game opens but the second i click on anything it crashes? i made a thread about it earlier

Posted: 24-05-2004 19:27
by DavidM
i have no clue

Posted: 24-05-2004 19:27
by Onge
FIXED - The blue team doesn't always spawn a keeper in IceDemon...

FIXED - Server crash is back :eek:

Posted: 24-05-2004 20:48
by drunkpug
damn reinstalled ut2004 and db still getting the same error...

Posted: 24-05-2004 21:21
by The_One
Blockbowl doesn't come with the latest version.

Posted: 24-05-2004 21:33
by makush
If you have server crash logs, please send them to us. No can do without logs. (And yes, send ut2004.log if you have client side crashes...)

Posted: 24-05-2004 23:06
by n00bs_own_Madogg
drunkpug you gotta put the latest 2k4 patch on UT2k4 before you do anything with deathball :( i had to reinstall too

i know the shirt colours can be changed (or will be able to), or so I was told ... which confuses me :confused: if I chose a red shirt.... and joined blue team.... would I be 10x more of an annoying bastard than I had already been without my awkward colours ? :lol: and the anims stop working after a while... although the customisations vanish too :eek:

\o/ new / old models for selection ;) maybe a check box option under the player tab

Customised Models []
Ut2k4 Original Models []

you pick one and you get that menu...... actually, never mind, it just hit me its probably impossible :/

btw, what change has made the games load up so quickly? (and if its the exclusion of the original models, then HOT DAMN)

Posted: 24-05-2004 23:07
by n00bs_own_Madogg
oh and btw Onge, if that odd looking extra bit in November was like some sorta roof texture then it would be mad ^^ to me it looks like sky tho :/

PS. November owns and has always owned the ownable

Posted: 24-05-2004 23:17
by FeEdiKo
flauschi couldn't change the bend-buttons :O

\o/ new / old models for selection ;) maybe a check box option under the player tab

Customised Models []
Ut2k4 Original Models []

you pick one and you get that menu...... actually, never mind, it just hit me its probably impossible :/
yeah please -_-

and the enemys which use costum models will have some random ut2k4 model if you have ut models activated

Posted: 24-05-2004 23:20
by DavidM
The_One wrote: Blockbowl doesn't come with the latest version.

nah, removed it for good reason