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Lo0k here! new clan need keep

Posted: 16-05-2004 18:00
by StRaFe
OK heres the deal. As utk4 db im sure is soon to become popular i thought of setting up a new clan.

Before you completely go off this post realise this wont be some wank clan with names youve never heard of before, there will be some form of ability :lol:. Looking for.... you guessed it a keeper thats about it and the rest sorts itself out really.

Would be much obliged to be PM'd by a fairly experienced keep not some wank that cant even get a basic low power shot. Catch me in #LøC and ask for me or Ballbreaker.

Cheers keep the abuse low as well ::Pfffff:: :p

Posted: 16-05-2004 19:59
by Messy
Way to discourage newcomers :>

Posted: 18-05-2004 10:54
by fs|Pele
who the fuck is Strafe ?

Posted: 18-05-2004 14:31
by StRaFe
:hmmmz:. I know who the fuck you are just complete wank :p ."not some wank keep"

Posted: 30-05-2004 07:43
by Dazlin
no, really StRaFe... who the fuck are you?

Posted: 30-05-2004 10:34
by -=LyNx=-
pele isnt complete wank x_X

Posted: 30-05-2004 14:24
by [V3]Cajubski
ur right, pele > lynx

strafe, close the thread :<

Posted: 31-05-2004 15:42
by Rino
Rofl Strafe is ownage attaker and best volleyer u nub

Posted: 02-06-2004 17:26
by Omeh
/claims best volleyer D:

Posted: 02-06-2004 18:12
by BurntLeaf
rofl best volleyer / vollier = newbie ? D:

Posted: 02-06-2004 18:29
by BlackFlame
seriously though, who is Strafe?

Posted: 04-06-2004 23:42
by InSaNe`
Don't know.. He seems to be an ok attacker (couldn't get by me in a pu vs :P)

\o/ GL finding a keep, they're hard to find now 'n days.

Posted: 04-06-2004 23:44
by Leto

Posted: 05-06-2004 01:02
by DavidM
keep for wallbreaker and have him moan at you! aint that something?

Posted: 05-06-2004 11:06
by -=LyNx=-
i is best volleyur lol im cool