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Posted: 02-05-2004 10:57
by Lupex
Haha, I got caught after some funny weeks. Well... its was great to mess around, cos i dont like most ppl of the db community. But it's not only my thought. I found about 5 other ppl who also cant stand the 'community', so we started playing (or laming, like you called our behaviour) in the 1 or 2 active servers.
I'm not the person to 'scare the noobs away', cos i like new player (i wish we had more of them) and i NEVER acted in a shit way! RaGe, maybe I insulted ppl and you can call me a 'fucker' but i never said something I didnt mean to say. Please show me the demo, I really want to know, if I 'scared the noobs away'! To Insane: 'There are more than two or something..'. Idd, there r, cos db sucks in a way, its getting boring, we have 2 publics and if it was just me, i'd stop playing db instead of 'laming around'.
If you want to ban me from your server, i don't mind, cos i don't have the intention to keep on playing ut2003.

Sorry to all of the nice db player (low percentage) who had to play together with Bann0rs. :hmmmz:

Posted: 02-05-2004 11:00
by fb.shev
"closes thread" oh so innocent?

Posted: 02-05-2004 11:01
by Lupex
I wanted to reply, just wrong button. But i liked the other.

Posted: 02-05-2004 11:02
by [1234]Jr
I couldnt be bothered to read it, well, i read the first few lines, spotted the words

"i dont like most of the community" decided it was a crying thread and stopped.

Thanks for wasting more of my nerdy life ya twat!

Posted: 02-05-2004 11:04
by Lupex
It's not a crying thread, read it first.

Posted: 02-05-2004 11:06
by fb.shev
well it gave some nubties some tears on the "sad community" ..!..

Re: Bann0rZ

Posted: 02-05-2004 11:51
by Messy
Lupex wrote: Sorry to all of the nice db player (low percentage) who had to play together with Bann0rs. :hmmmz:

Aww I forgive you ;p

Posted: 02-05-2004 12:05
by Lupex
lol messeh :)

Posted: 02-05-2004 15:05
by FeEdiKo
kid /o\

Posted: 02-05-2004 15:10
by Capital_G
if u hate the community leave

Posted: 02-05-2004 15:25
by Sixty
bai /o\

EDIT: FUCK i missed my 500th post :(

Posted: 02-05-2004 15:41
by Messy
I missed 666, 1337 and 2004 =\ gg

edit: oh w8 :o I stopped posting on my previous account when I was @ 666 \o/

..omg 2412 + 666 = 3078

edit2: 3078 - Davidm = 3078 - 3057 = 21 :o

Posted: 02-05-2004 15:55
by [GR]Kermit
Capital_G wrote: if u hate the community leave


Posted: 02-05-2004 16:35
by Cenotaph
lolz, you dont like the game and community so instead of stop playing the game and leaving the community, you decide to lame in the servers cause in the end you just cant stop playing the game... gg for maturity :D

get a gf ;)

Posted: 02-05-2004 16:55
by Messy
Cenotaph wrote: get a gf ;)

Tried that (..and then again after that ;p) and it doesn't work :(