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What about david?

Posted: 06-04-2004 19:53
by Susi
hallo, i'm susi
i'm together with david.
david keeps complaining that nobody likes him, that's why i wanted to ask what you think about him. :)

Posted: 06-04-2004 19:55
by speedy
he has a secret online boyfriend! :O

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:00
by GoldenGun
David should keep in mind that 14 year old ppl say that he is stupid + it is an online community :p

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:03
by RaGe|DB
Look, David WAS a bitch, but now I like him, good to play with + he is honest (something alot of people are not) Basicly, he can be rude but he made a great mod, he is my m8 :D

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:05
by CorDawg
oh shit yo it looks like "susi" got ownt

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:08
by DavidM
david, don't listen to the kiddies who keep bitching at you, they are all young, ghey and uncool and they dunno what they are talking about!

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:11
by DavidM
who but me is me?

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:23
by speedy
i am you

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:25
by fb.shev
not me >: u suckzors >:

Posted: 06-04-2004 20:47
by FireCell
I am your father

Posted: 06-04-2004 21:08
by BlackFlame
i r love the david

Posted: 06-04-2004 21:18
by [GR]Kermit
Where is the option:
A nice Person but sometimes a dirty bitch but you have to love him!

Posted: 06-04-2004 21:21
by Maegrim
and the option: i get laid/paid to vote "i love him!!1"? :|

Posted: 06-04-2004 21:22
by speedy
someone forgot the "chocolate strawberry icecream flake" option :<

Posted: 06-04-2004 21:28
by Chubbs
dave's nice to me :o