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Posted: 27-03-2004 23:26
by SkaTallica
normally it's against my religion to release betas *sigh*, but i thought it would do more good than bad to get some feedback here before i release a final version... i began this as an updated version of smallhole (a horrible horrible map that was, and with good reason, never released)... and turned it around into DB-SunCast. Still a few things that need to be worked out, like the emitters not working online, among other things. Please post back any comments / suggestions. :-)

(pics on download page)

Posted: 28-03-2004 02:28
by Imaginos
Smallhole, though it had glaring flaws, is still one of my top fun maps..

This one looks like it's shaping up nicely. I feel slighted that the backwall rebound is eliminated, but it's your call.

I'd me more subtle with the name placement, but that's me..

Posted: 28-03-2004 02:36
by SkaTallica
welp, about the rebounding, it's experimental. I'll only know if ppl like it after trying it and i get some feedback, so i might change it a bit. and the name... welp i was just kinda playing around w/ the projectors bcus they weren't working right in online play, and i just left it in, i'll take that out in final.

Posted: 28-03-2004 12:10
:) nice map but i do miss the back wall as a rebound, maybe take the net off and leave the cross bar? meh, up to you but other wise its a rip of small hole :) which i think david m released in 2.0 beta....

anyway, nice job

Posted: 28-03-2004 17:25
by SkaTallica
umm.....??? smallhole was mine (if you were inferring that I ripped some1 else's map, w/e :-/ ).... and no he didn't, the only new map in there is Bowl

Posted: 29-03-2004 18:08
by Inphidel

yaw, play hellhole - was on buds. pwncity :P

Posted: 29-03-2004 18:26
by BurntLeaf
DB-Hole is davidm's

Posted: 29-03-2004 22:07
by SkaTallica
?.. no one even mentioned Hole

Posted: 31-03-2004 16:55
by BL44T
it's in the official releases..

Posted: 12-04-2004 01:25
by Imaginos
Finish this, eh?

Posted: 13-04-2004 23:32
by Imaginos
Me grabbin and addin to the bud 2k3/2k4 servers.

Posted: 14-04-2004 02:06
by bloodeh
looks nice.

The goals are a good idea i think ;O

Posted: 14-04-2004 03:08
by Imaginos
I thought you said this was done? This is still titled "beta"!

Posted: 15-04-2004 20:37
by SkaTallica
ya it is, but i haven't release it yet, i will when... i feel like it... soon prolly, and thx for replies ;-)