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The new way (servers + clients)

Posted: 26-03-2004 12:56
by DavidM
Previously all files were in ut2003/maps etc
now you have to put them into ut2004/deathball/maps etc
(not only talking about maps)

That way you get way less problems (for example tennis and warfare can stay, or server doesnt crash on mapchange)

So keep that in mind while playing around with the beta.

Start DB that way: ut2004.exe -mod=deathball

Posted: 26-03-2004 13:12
by -plær-
is this something new that TV have done, or is this something forced upon you by 2k4?

Posted: 26-03-2004 13:13
by DavidM
epic's new way.
its better in the end. you dont have all things mixed up

Posted: 26-03-2004 16:59
by DiStUrbeD
why don't you just put things in ut2004/deathball/(folder) ?

lots of mods did this with ut2003, worked out great

Posted: 26-03-2004 17:32
by DavidM
thats what i said!

in 2003 it didnt work, it broke linux compatibility i believe

Posted: 26-03-2004 18:42
by DiStUrbeD
hmm a mod i beta tested for had that, and it did have linux issues, but someone wrote an ini to resolve it...i'm not sure though. But i know it is possible to run it on linux with that setup, i'd just have to look into it

Posted: 26-03-2004 18:45
by Chick-kun
someone make a list of all the db files please ;)

Posted: 27-03-2004 11:13
by DavidM
well now its supported, and its the only hackfree way for mods to work, disturbed

( ... upport.htm)

Posted: 27-03-2004 17:01
by priior
i think it's a great idea that all mod files go into their mod directories (like quake).

Posted: 27-03-2004 20:09
by DiStUrbeD
sweet i like that much better

keeps my ut2004 folder organized (my ut2003 folder is such a mess)

Posted: 29-03-2004 07:23
by Demolution
It still doesn't work that way (just tried it)

Posted: 30-03-2004 11:54
by xiller8r
ive got it working like that now,

Posted: 30-03-2004 12:26
by DavidM
It only gives your problems if you didn't install it properly as we described.

Posted: 30-03-2004 14:19
by xiller8r
i installed it perfectly and at first i was getting a "your cd key is invalid" when attempting to run the run deathball.cmd, after deleting deathball.ini it worked:hmmmz:

Posted: 18-04-2004 14:24
by Dazlin
the zip folder is indexed...

so all u have to do is extract to your ut2004 folder \o/