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[3dg|o_O] sucht 3- 4Member

Posted: 12-03-2004 17:10
by [3dg|o_O]gNaiFa
Also wir suchen,

1 - att
2 - mid
1 - keeper

falls wär interrese haben sollte soll sich bei mir im irc melden #3dg
oder per icq: 63702397

In diesem Sinne meldet euch :D

Posted: 12-03-2004 22:43
by Achilles
now get some1 to post in english but since u dont understand me anyway:
were looking 4
1 attacker
2 mids
1 keeper

If u are interrested contact us on irc #3dg
or thru icq 63702397

Posted: 13-03-2004 19:06
by [3dg|o_O]gNaiFa
thx :D

Posted: 09-04-2004 23:38
by S@nGøkU
I am interesting to midd

Ps : sry i am french my english isn't good :confused:

Posted: 10-04-2004 19:22
by Achilles
Well xXxey is french and he just turned 11 i think his english aint that bad and since i cant imagine u being younger then him go learn better english \o/

Posted: 10-04-2004 20:54
by Sixty
Achilles wrote: Well xXxey is french and he just turned 11 i think his english aint that bad and since i cant imagine u being younger then him go learn better english \o/

First you might want to consider learning how to build sentences, instead of putting 3 into 1.

Posted: 11-04-2004 11:10
by Wibble
God, if English language skills were a requirement to enter deathball clans, then half the community would have to quit

Posted: 11-04-2004 12:59
by GazMaN
Achilles wrote: Well xXxey is french and he just turned 11 i think his english aint that bad and since i cant imagine u being younger then him go learn better english \o/

im 25 and i can only speak one language, so good for him, at least he can speak a little, which is a lot better than most.

Posted: 11-04-2004 13:11
by CaPøNe
Db community fucked up. Stop spamming without stupid childish sentences like urs, Achilles.... it sucks