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Idea on how to up the popularity...

Posted: 10-03-2004 15:15
by Young_One
Ok, i have an idea on how we might be able to make this mod more popular. I dont know if this has been said before or whatever but here it goes. DavidM, since you won the MSU contest, why dont you talk to the epic guys or whoever ran the contest, and see if they will advertise for you. :p i mean you had the best mod out there, why shouldnt you get publicity for it. I say you have one of the mods put deathball on a sticky in their most read forum :p just an idea, dont flame me too hard, or if you have a better idea, add it here :D

Posted: 10-03-2004 15:25
by [V3]Optimal
DB has been out for a long time now. I doubt it gets anymore popular than it is at this point. And besides noobs just aren't the same. They're worse. I even try helping them out, but then they turn around and bitch at me. So fuck em.

A 2k4 version of db might bring back some old dber's. We'll see.

Posted: 10-03-2004 15:29
by Young_One
i have to totally agree with you on this one opti. The nubshits that play now are being total assholes. Just yesterday i was trying to help this euro nub out, and he wouldnt listen, razor and i tried so hard to get him to listen, but he just kept grabbing the ball and shooting it in the net. i am always willing to help noobs out, but lately i just say fuck em cuz they are stupid and dont want to listen to anything you have to say.

Posted: 10-03-2004 15:31
by [V3]Optimal
The fact that all the NA servers are vo doesn't help keep noobs either... They probably think that's what db is all about.

Posted: 10-03-2004 15:43
by Fooman
1. No one pubs. Therefore n00bs don't see any servers, so they figure not to waste their time on a dead mod.

2. VO servers hurt a n00b's chance of playing DB. Just imagine you are a nub, you shoot the ball in the net, proud of yourself and you get kicked by a bunch of assholes. I'd say "Fuck this!" and never come back.

3. Eliteist assholes.

4. Pugs hurt n00bs as well. "6 more for pug" | "3 more for pug" | Just say, "Hey, lets all go to this server and play." Fuck picking teams, just play with who u got. If a nub is on your team help him out. My server is always open to u guys, it has every map possible and you may vote kick eliteist assholes as well, or get me and I'll bring down the hammer.

I don't see any new teams forming in the future or new players.

Posted: 10-03-2004 16:06
by Diab
lately no one is really buying unreal 2k3 too, once 2k4 is out with some form of deathball im sure alot of servs will go up again like before, and we will get a bunch of new regulars.

Posted: 10-03-2004 16:19
by [V3]Optimal
I fully agree with fooman. I've never been a fan of pugs. It takes way too long to get one going. Then you have to pick teams... wait longer. Then you have to wait for everyone to get in server.. wait even longer. If it were my decision I would delete the pug bot and go back to the old way na use to do it. And that is to just go look at the online server browser and find a game through there.

Foo you should set your server to db-lowcube2 only. Custom maps also hurt the game imo.

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:14
by priior
pubs are important to attract new players.

pickups are important to KEEP those new players.

without pickups there would be no community.

so even tho public gaming is important.. it's navie to think all will be good when pickups are abolished.

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:28
by Fooman
The community was way better before pugs. I don't think prii was around then, but the people that were know this was true.

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:30
by Catalyst88
How about some gameplay videos? They always seem to grab people's attention...

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:37
by BurntLeaf
put the bk video on

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:47
by priior
fooman... all i know is that if it werent of pugs.. i would not have stuck around much longer in pubs.

pugs rooted me in.

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:50
by [1234]Jr
123/4 public cube isnt VO... :)

*pimp* ;)

It's hardly populated by "new" people, though

Posted: 10-03-2004 19:55
by Fooman
priior wrote: fooman... all i know is that if it werent of pugs.. i would not have stuck around much longer in pubs.

pugs rooted me in.

I think that's because at one time there was only pug. Still is that way now. :/

I like 1234 server. \o/

Bot mode will help boost DB's popularity, hopefully my earlier statment is proven wrong.

this one -> I don't see any new teams forming in the future or new players.

Re: Idea on how to up the popularity...

Posted: 10-03-2004 20:38
by DiStUrbeD
Young_One wrote: DavidM, since you won the MSU contest,


jesus christ

edit: misspelled won, thats what i get for yelling while half asleep