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David plays a sad smurf song

Posted: 20-02-2004 15:57
by DavidM
smurf song in C minor (middle part is major, woop), by davidm
Dont complain about disharmonies....these are........ehm intended.....yes! right! it's supposed to be sad...or so...
it was my 1st attempt after all /o\
quiet please
Clickeh here!!1

Posted: 20-02-2004 16:59
by [1234]Jr
seriously..what the f*ck :)

Posted: 20-02-2004 17:21
by speedy
what the fuckle?

Posted: 20-02-2004 17:46
by BurntLeaf
*sucks on a wtfucksicle*

Posted: 20-02-2004 18:37
by Sixty
[1234]Jr wrote: seriously..what the f*ck :)

Posted: 21-02-2004 00:32
by Xelent
needs more cowbell

Posted: 21-02-2004 08:54
by Chick-kun
heh its quite good >_<

Posted: 21-02-2004 08:56
by BlackFlame
shh toktok

Posted: 22-02-2004 00:40
by Cenotaph
DavidM, you and Dazlin are the attention whores :)

Posted: 22-02-2004 14:14
by Sexy_Loser
what a great song ^^

Posted: 22-02-2004 22:11
by Dazlin
Cenotaph wrote: DavidM, you and Dazlin are the attention whores :)

i resent that!

x_X i just enjoy taking the piss out of my self :)

Posted: 23-02-2004 15:09
by TEZC_Robban
whats with all the wtf-spam :p he's just playing the piano, first time you hear a noob playing piano? o_O

(ok ok, it was better than i ever will be able to play but anyway xD)

Posted: 23-02-2004 20:38
by METAFrank
*clap *clap *clap *clap *clap *clap

(I do this only to check if i can still hear tho):p

Posted: 24-02-2004 01:00
by Messy
Heh..nice :)

Isn't it a bit too happy and jumpy for a sad smurf tho?

Posted: 24-02-2004 13:50
by GoldenGun
Schlümpfe :D