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Allstars DBL3

Posted: 28-01-2004 19:17
by GoldenGun

Did you already think about doing Allstar Games like in the first season?
I think the same system and voting would be good.

I hope Bazzi or the ppl who done this can be arsed again to do that. If you need help i'll help.


Posted: 28-01-2004 19:48
by Axl
people cant even be arsed to finish the season, why do an all stars game? :s

Posted: 28-01-2004 20:08
by -=LyNx=-
just what i was going to say

Posted: 29-01-2004 21:19
by [3dg|rr]rekloV
every night on #dbpickup allstar games with ballbreaker :)

Posted: 30-01-2004 00:10
by BlackFlame
/me senses the dying of DBL

Posted: 30-01-2004 02:36
by Requiem``
well, 1st dbl season all star games was organised mainly by BL44T & Myself, helped by DavidM

it worked pretty well for me, even if i spent more time triing to organize matchs than seeing them but nm, everyone took fun, so it was somewhere a good thing

Last season, we made a poll about dbl all star games, coz Bullet suggested pretty good idea, but it was forgotten since the new season started and everyone wanted to play 1.9

well, maybe, we could try again, but i'm preety pessimist when i see how much players are involved in finishing season 3 :rolleyes:

Posted: 30-01-2004 08:50
by BurntLeaf
Allstars is more fun than dbl, so more people would go to it

DBL isnt that fun these days, so why not introduce it, i think it will work

Posted: 30-01-2004 10:48
by [1234]Jr
DB has been dying for 3 years now ... needs a fresh start ... something that doesnt involve schedules (as such) and less games :)

Posted: 30-01-2004 11:25
by f1end

maybe less games, to be sheduled at some point in a 2 month period ...e.g. loads more flexability...

As long as all the games get played b4 the end of the season, who cares if they were played in week 1, week 2 etc.

Posted: 30-01-2004 17:43
by GazMaN
db is dying, because just like the other mod i used to play which died, the little bugs in the game dont get fixed in new versions, instead, more features are brought into the game.

But until the bugs are fixed the new featuresdont mean shit.

This forum is exactly like the forum for the other game (strikeforce), all be it a lot more immature, whereas ppl are moaning mainly about bugs in the game, and wiuld glady have those removed over a new player model with a funky beard O_o

Posted: 30-01-2004 23:54
by Onge
Originally posted by GazMaN But until the bugs are fixed the new featuresdont mean shit.

Amen to that. I've been saying that for quite a while now.

Posted: 30-01-2004 23:57
by -=LyNx=-
onge r win

Posted: 31-01-2004 13:19
by GazMaN
a look at onges avatar says it all!!!

simple game, few features , NO bugs, = the best football game EVER!!!!! :D

hehe, i still remember jumping around my bedroom like a fool when i scored the winning goal in one of the cup finals, no better feeling i know :)

Posted: 31-01-2004 13:21
by -=LyNx=-
sensible soccer - snes - 1992

Posted: 31-01-2004 13:24
by Axl
pfft.. no.. Amiga - the original and classic version!