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Posted: 10-11-2003 23:35
by Scorp
are there any prices to win? maybe a clanserver ? \o/

Posted: 11-11-2003 03:17
by gs|GiZZiE
oc, and some women as well :p \o/

Posted: 11-11-2003 21:21
by Messy
women! \o/

who cares about the rest =D
Send us pics in advance tho!

We don't wanna win some fat chubby random 60-year old mature moms =(

Posted: 11-11-2003 22:02
by RaGe|DB
Messy wrote:

We don't wanna win some fat chubby random 60-year old mature moms =(

we dont? :eek:
arent they shexy? ::Pfffff:: :( :hmmmz:

Posted: 11-11-2003 22:05
by Messy
I changed my mind.

Can u get me RaGe's grandma GiZZiE?

Posted: 12-11-2003 23:47
by BlackFlame
tbh davidm doesnt have shit to do with the league now, it is all in my hands after i abducted bazzi and locked him in my basement, me and bullet run it all

Posted: 13-11-2003 00:11
by Requiem
:lol: u dream little padawan \o/

Posted: 13-11-2003 01:14
by BlackFlame
no seriously its true do a whois on bazzi and then on me, notice anything similar?

Posted: 13-11-2003 01:41
by [1234]Jr
no..should i?