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Posted: 02-06-2003 20:48
by Feep!
looks really nice so far!

Posted: 02-06-2003 23:25
by Armagon
I just did the bot paths, tho I prolly won't bother with another beta release since I only have goal events and the radar to do.

Posted: 03-06-2003 20:36
by Armagon
What I wanted to do with the goal events, was to have all the side lights flicker the color of the team that scores. Before I went and placed all the triggered lights I wanted to make sure I'd be able to get them working, so I just placed one first. I think I'm doing something wrong because it isn't doing what I want it to do. I'll explain exactly what I've done.

I placed a TriggerLight actor in the desired position (this one was intended to be blue), and configured the following properties like so.

Under Events
Event: None
Excludetag: ... (I have not touched this one)
Tag: BlueEvent

Under LightColor
LightBrightness: 255
LightHue: 155
LightSaturation: 0

Under Lighting
LightRadius: 16
LightType: LT_flicker

Under TriggerLight
bDelayFullOn: False
bInitiallyOn: False
ChangeTime: 0
RemainOnTime: 0

I have left everything else, as is. But it just isn't working.
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?

Posted: 03-06-2003 21:24
by Armagon
Well I've completely turned around on not releasing another beta. :rolleyes:
There is still no radar or goal events, but there are bot paths now, so it is playable. I've submitted it to again.

However, for a short time, until it is put up on the main site, you can grab it here: ... d.php?ID=7

This link may work for a couple of days or less, but once it's up on the main site, THIS link will be useless.

Posted: 03-06-2003 21:29
by Armagon
Damn the link isn't working for some reason. I'll look into it.

Posted: 03-06-2003 21:30
by Maegrim
it works for me :)

Posted: 03-06-2003 21:34
by Armagon
It is? Weird.

EDIT: Yeah it is working now. I guess I just needed to refresh it.

Posted: 04-06-2003 07:13
by Armagon
Originally posted by Armagon
What I wanted to do with the goal events, was to have all the side lights flicker the color of the team that scores. Before I went and placed all the triggered lights I wanted to make sure I'd be able to get them working, so I just placed one first. I think I'm doing something wrong because it isn't doing what I want it to do. I'll explain exactly what I've done.

I placed a TriggerLight actor in the desired position (this one was intended to be blue), and configured the following properties like so.

Under Events
Event: None
Excludetag: ... (I have not touched this one)
Tag: BlueEvent

Under LightColor
LightBrightness: 255
LightHue: 155
LightSaturation: 0

Under Lighting
LightRadius: 16
LightType: LT_flicker

Under TriggerLight
bDelayFullOn: False
bInitiallyOn: False
ChangeTime: 0
RemainOnTime: 0

I have left everything else, as is. But it just isn't working.
Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong here?
So can anyone help me here?

Posted: 04-06-2003 20:43
by Twigstir
I do believe the light types are disabled. They are now done by emitters. I have read that the light effect works, but I have also read they don't. I used a spotlight in my map and yours contained some to. I'm not sure if any other light effect works.

P.S. I do know some lighting stuff works in the editor and not ingame.

Posted: 04-06-2003 21:03
by Armagon
hmmm, well I'll experiment with a light and make it LT_steady. I'll see if that works.

Posted: 04-06-2003 21:54
by Armagon
No, I still couldn't get it to work. There must be something I'm missing.

Posted: 05-06-2003 19:26
by Armagon

Posted: 05-06-2003 19:34
by Armagon
If anyone still hasn't downloaded the beta and wants it,
it is now up on

Grab it here: ... le&id=2076

Posted: 07-06-2003 16:04
by Armagon
Well I have left the goal events for now, but I don't quite understand what I have to do to make the radar. :confused:
I have read the DB mapping guide but I still am a bit confused.

Posted: 07-06-2003 16:55
by Twigstir

1.) print screen a top view picture of your map. (up the grid size a lot so you don't see too much grid in the pic.) [The pic is stored in clipbrb temporarily but who cares, just follow step two]
2.) paste it in paint (open paint>edit>paste)
3.) cut out a square around your map. [that dotted rectangle symbol>drag it around your map until you have the same x and y number of pixcels (bottom right)]
4.) paste the cut out in new window in paint. (edit>cut (step3) then File>new>edit>paste)
5.) save as a tiff file
6.) open in photoshop
7.) resize to 512x512 ( help>resize image>online)
8.) paint your radar (I used the pencil tool/color swatches and did it by pixcels){continue to save your progress as a tiff file}
9.) save your "all done" radar as DDS(dxt1) or 24 bit bmp. (DDS will distort the pixcels so you must have lines at least two pixcels wide.) {BMP will not distort but it's not as "fast" for the engine as DXT1.)
10.) follow the mapping guide to set up in your map.

Hope this helps. It's easy, after you figure it out.