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Posted: 23-05-2004 13:40
by Sixty

Posted: 23-05-2004 20:40
by fb.shev
btw, not teddy bears, all bulldogs, there not books, there all euthoria trance cds, becareful what u say -_-

Posted: 05-06-2004 02:06
by PHiLø
kapi u have a small head
and ur pic is all over the internet

Posted: 07-06-2004 14:21
by R3L!K
surely the models are ugly enough without you peeps adding to it ;) :p

Posted: 22-06-2004 11:32
by n00bs_own_Madogg
"surely the models are ugly enough without you peeps adding to it" <---------- rofl, amen :p (edit: the models I mean X_x)

Posted: 23-06-2004 22:41
by Messy
fb.shev wrote: btw, not teddy bears, all bulldogs, there not books, there all euthoria trance cds, becareful what u say -_-

Books > Trance CDs by an empirial shitload (approximately 2 meters 42 centimeters in metric).

Posted: 24-06-2004 08:05
by l0afz
Originally crapped out by Messy
Books > Trance CDs by an empirial shitload (approximately 2 meters 42 centimeters in metric).

Wow, you make teh funny jokezzzz lol :rolleyes:

Posted: 24-06-2004 14:06
by Armagon
Books are win.

Posted: 24-06-2004 16:53
by l0afz
I meant the shitload crap

Posted: 09-07-2004 12:00
by Messy


Posted: 09-07-2004 13:05
by Maegrim

Posted: 09-07-2004 17:13
by l0afz
Ah, but I didnt crack a joke, so no need to get all imperial shit on me :D

Posted: 11-07-2004 17:45
by Shev.npu
lol at this thread D:

oh look messy having another pointless arguement \o/ oh well better go before he starts

Posted: 21-07-2004 19:34
by BL44T

Posted: 04-08-2004 14:33
by Shev.npu
davidm :O i think i would pay you if i skinned Shevchenkos face onto the models, if u do i would donate to this coder \o/