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Posted: 07-05-2004 23:17
by lolindir
Roxx^ has been banned and this thread has been cleaned

Posted: 07-05-2004 23:19
by speedy
just noticed :p

Posted: 08-05-2004 10:28
by [1234]Jr
Pff, ruined :'(

Posted: 08-05-2004 18:36
by -Camel-
[1234]Jr wrote: Pff, ruined :'(


tho good job admin :)

Posted: 08-05-2004 18:59
by RaGe|DB
thank me! I contacted the admin -_x

Posted: 08-05-2004 19:30
by fb.shev
oh yay, but close the thread maybe?

Posted: 08-05-2004 20:52
by BL44T

ps. +1

Posted: 08-05-2004 21:21
by speedy
where did all the posts go? surely roxx didn't spam that much?

Posted: 08-05-2004 21:46
by CorDawg
they just deleted everything after roxx posts, cause of course they were all shit anyway

Posted: 08-05-2004 21:59
by Messy
agreed :)

gg admin \o/

IP ban wudnt work tho ^^; dynamic ip :<

Posted: 09-05-2004 23:09
by lolindir
Are there no forum admins on regular base if you would like to close for example something, move, delete posts, etc, etc ?

Posted: 10-05-2004 00:29
by Requiem``
well, we can't say he's really acting in this kind of situations ;)

Posted: 10-05-2004 11:57
by Messy
Wow...admins can do that? lol


Posted: 10-05-2004 14:56
by [1234]Jr
lolindir wrote: Are there no forum admins on regular base if you would like to close for example something, move, delete posts, etc, etc ?

No, i asked but David wouldnt let me

Posted: 10-05-2004 17:12
by BurntLeaf
lolindir wrote: Are there no forum admins on regular base if you would like to close for example something, move, delete posts, etc, etc ?
DavidM can, he's just lazy \o/