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Posted: 28-01-2007 22:44
by Rens2Sea

Posted: 29-01-2007 01:11
by The_One

Posted: 29-01-2007 16:45
by DoMmeh``
\o7 salut

Posted: 29-01-2007 17:21
by Rens2Sea

Posted: 29-01-2007 18:46
by The_One

Posted: 30-01-2007 16:56
by The_One
Aww, come on. You only need to type it into Google and you get your answer (I give up. Fourth one down).

Posted: 30-01-2007 18:58
by DoMmeh``
no google sux

Posted: 30-01-2007 19:31
by Rens2Sea
The_One wrote: Aww, come on. You only need to type it into Google and you get your answer (I give up. Fourth one down).

Not on my google!

Posted: 30-01-2007 19:41
by The_One
I tried it on and it's the same. Dunno what to say. :)

edit: 2nd on yahoo, 3rd on MSN. You're really making a meal of this. xD

Posted: 30-01-2007 20:01
by Rens2Sea
It's not Flash Gordon it isn't! :o

Posted: 30-01-2007 21:05
by The_One
Flash Gordon? Not even close.

j/k! ahahah. /cuts wrists

Posted: 30-01-2007 21:34
by priior
i prefer flEsh gordon ;)

Posted: 31-01-2007 21:34
by DoMmeh``
sliders or something like that ?

Posted: 31-01-2007 23:18
by priior
dommeh rens2sea solved it already!

Posted: 31-01-2007 23:52
by Rens2Sea
No i did not!