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Posted: 06-01-2004 09:57
by f1end
^^ ur Jedi mind tricks will not work on me....ho hoh hohohoh ho hohoh ....
Jaba Wonga....

/me takes his meds

Posted: 06-01-2004 10:42
by DavidM
It will be like in Fifa, where you have 1 base model and you can customize lots of stuff. Haircuts, haircolor, skincolor, glasses, beards, faces, different armor, shoes, fatness blah....
so far only one male model (which is not even done), after that there will also be a female one.

Posted: 06-01-2004 12:55
by [GR]Kermit
that's cool.
Is it possible to import team logos?

Posted: 06-01-2004 13:03
by DavidM
dont force others to see your custom gfx

Posted: 06-01-2004 16:01
by Messy
DavidM wrote: It will be like in Fifa, where you have 1 base model and you can customize lots of stuff. Haircuts, haircolor, skincolor, glasses, beards, faces, different armor, shoes, fatness blah....
so far only one male model (which is not even done), after that there will also be a female one.

....which is like tony hawk ;)
DavidM wrote: dont force others to see your custom gfx

Ugh, I second that, especially if they're going to suck as much as the 3dg wallpaper ;) (cue flaming war..just kidding dudes :x).

What I *would* extremely appreciate tho, is a way of putting team names, player names, and/or player numbers on the shirt.
Maybe a simple system for colours (1 or 2 colours in simple patterns) to further personalize your appearance and link it to your clan.

Posted: 06-01-2004 16:35
by RaGe|DB
DavidM wrote: dont force others to see your custom gfx

And what about i make like 100 different small logo's (like ut2003 singplayer) send them to you and make sure they are very different so everyone can take it? O_O

Posted: 06-01-2004 19:33
by Messy
If it would be some1 else offering that, I'm sure he'd say yes! :p ;)

Posted: 06-01-2004 20:34
by DavidM
putting numbers and names on teh shirt IS planned too, forgot to mention that.
maybe also clantag, but no graphics.

Posted: 06-01-2004 20:51
by BlackFlame
yay for DavidM

Posted: 06-01-2004 22:04
by Scotteh
putting numbers and names on teh shirt IS planned too, forgot to mention that. maybe also clantag, but no graphics.

\o/ which name will it use, the shortname or the main one? :(

Posted: 07-01-2004 16:24
by Messy
I'm guessing shortname :X or maybe a different name \o/ Altho shortname would be most logical wudnt it?

David/Jero? :o

Posted: 07-01-2004 16:30
by RaGe|DB
You can choose from some names:


Posted: 08-01-2004 08:04
by DavidM
no, these names are forbidden \o/

Posted: 08-01-2004 08:18
by DaJero
Messy wrote: I'm guessing shortname :X or maybe a different name \o/ Altho shortname would be most logical wudnt it?

David/Jero? :o

Shortnames :)

Posted: 08-01-2004 12:13
by BurntLeaf
What annoys me when people have shortnames such as "pass" and "LOLOLOL" etc... Kinda gay tbh