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Posted: 01-09-2003 13:49
by Armagon
Surge... truly... that was... the biggest load of bull I've ever heard from you.

Posted: 01-09-2003 14:56
by Fruitcake
tbh i think surge makes a fair point the only thing that needed removing was the boost trick and toning down a little on team boost power!.....

Posted: 01-09-2003 16:32
by Imo
What ever you do David, I'm sure it will be good. :)

Posted: 01-09-2003 16:41
by DavidM
I don't see it, but this must have been so full of irony 0_o

Posted: 01-09-2003 17:02
by RaGe|DB
i think he means it, i mean, DB is still a good game :)

Posted: 01-09-2003 17:10
by YoYo789
I've been following this topic on and off, so sorry if I've missed something...

Personally I don't wall volley much, I'm actually quite bad at it. (Good at other volleys though - the skillful ones hehe) Hence my game will not suffer if self-volley is nerfed.

Although, when playing 1v1 and 2v2 (two very different, but extremely fun ways to play DeathBall) the self-volley is a useful tool, as often you don't have a teammate. Especially volleys of corners in small maps, and sequenced volleys to build up speed. Please don't ignore this way of DeathBall (1v1 and 2v2)

So, rather than a boolean on or off, it would be best if you set it so that self-volleys get nerfed when a certain number of players are on the server (with the number configurable). So once the set amount of players are on the server (I think 6 would be a good number), self volleys are nerfed, and a msg pops up such as "Self-volley power reduced, teamwork pls n00b's!" or similar with less n00b insulting :p .

Obviously this could be set to 0 to turn nerfing on all the time, and set to 99 to turn nerfing off all the time.

So please give a bit of consideration to those of us who like to play a mix of 1v1, 2v2 up to 5v5 on the same server, where bNerfSelfVolleys=True would destroy the 1v1 and 2v2 game.

Oh, one more thing, will the DBL standard be self-volleys nerfed or normal? I would like to keep the Aussie league as close to DBL standard as possible, but if you put the self-volley nerfing on, I may have to reconsider.

eek, a semi-essay... sorry :)

Posted: 01-09-2003 17:11
by The_One
DavidM wrote: Ehm?
I don't see it, but this must have been so full of irony 0_o

Have you been so jaded that you can't take a compliment anymore? ;)
YoYo789 wrote: eek, a semi-essay... sorry :)

Don't worry, it's not a patch on Surge's literary epics. ^^

Good point and it's one I've thought about with some concern.

I love 2v2 (1v1 can be fun too, with the right person) and lowering selfvolley power would ruin it.
Your idea sounds like a good way of fixing that problem.

Posted: 01-09-2003 17:28
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
I totally agree with yoyo O_o

From the very first to the very last word he wrote =\ (well ok..except for the "sorry :)" harm done m8 :p)

Posted: 01-09-2003 23:31
by beefsack

Posted: 02-09-2003 01:54
by Armagon
For those of you who don't remember, DavidM has Surge on his ignore list. So when he said:
I don't see it, but this must have been so full of irony 0_o

He was saying that if it sparked such reactions as ours, Surge's "literary epic" must have been full of irony.
Just clearing that one up for everyone. :)

Posted: 02-09-2003 02:06
by The_One
I thought he was replying to Imo.

Posted: 02-09-2003 02:39
by Surge
i agree with The_One

Posted: 02-09-2003 03:41
by The_One
I agree with Surge.

Posted: 02-09-2003 05:08
by Armagon
I agree with pants.

Posted: 02-09-2003 05:10
by The_One
So it's agreed.