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Posted: 28-05-2003 06:03
by Alars
the light on the right of the picture arent on? or is that just a funny angle? anyway like Armagon said it is his 1st map so it aint going to be top notch but at least he's got it this far.......

Good work Buddy!

PS add another white light in the corners of the room

Posted: 28-05-2003 09:43
by Armagon
Yeah the light on either wall are facing opposite directions. The ones on the right are facing diagonally towards the red goals, whereas the ones on the left are facing towards the blue goals. I was thinking the skybox was a bit bland as well, so I'll probably add some trees as GF suggested. As for the lighting, I wasn't sure. I couldn't decide whether or not it was too bright. In the game it looks a little darker.

I can look at these more carefully now that I have finished the beta. That's why I'm going to release it as soon as I can. I'm beginning to wonder whether the majority would prefer to have the center platform gone. So I would like to get some opinions on that after they test the beta. I would like people to point out any other things they think I could improve. But for now I shall have to wait til I can upload it.

Posted: 28-05-2003 14:34
by Armagon
OK I have added the pain triggers, dimmed the lighting a bit, and added trees to the outside area. It's looking better already. :)

Posted: 28-05-2003 19:42
by Armagon
Download this file. Trust me, it's worth downloading. I can't tell you what it is, because it's a suprise. ;)
To people that DO download this file, please do not spoil the suprise for anyone else. :)

Posted: 28-05-2003 21:13
by Armagon
I have uploaded the beta to It may be a couple of days before it is actually up, but I'll be sure to let everyone know when it is.

Posted: 29-05-2003 04:45
by beefsack
bah! dont put in too many trees. ive seen many a good map which has been ruined cos the mapper got tree happy and killed the fps :S

Posted: 29-05-2003 05:46
by Armagon
Actually that's something that concerned me too. But despite the additional groups of trees, they have had very little impact on the framerate (or at least thats the case with my machine). I'm still getting a healthy 70-90 fps on max detail. That for me is the equivalent of smallcube. However, if anyone finds the beta to be an fps killer, let me know here and I'll minimise the number of trees in the final release.

Posted: 29-05-2003 08:31
by Twigstir
Armagon wrote: I'm still getting a healthy 70-90 fps on max detail. That for me is the equivalent of smallcube.

I want your machine :devil:

Posted: 29-05-2003 09:32
by Armagon
NO IT'S MINE! :lol:

Posted: 29-05-2003 09:46
by beefsack
lol i aint even tried it yet :p ill get it this weekend and ill tell ya how my heap of crap handles it ;)

Posted: 29-05-2003 09:59
by Armagon
The great thing about it is, that the actual map itself is so lacking in detail (compared to most other DB maps), that it is less than 1mb when it's zipped. Since the final release will include the song "Breathe", I'll have to upload it elsewhere. UT2003HQ has a petty 2mb file size limit.

Posted: 30-05-2003 09:53
by The Hermit
Looking quite good. Better than the impression you get from the screenshot.
The areas behind the goals look done, you just need to add some more stuff to the actual playing area (Things in the corner, signs on the wall, some crates, etc)
Oh, and path the Bots... ;)

You may want to add something behind the goals that would cause the damage, like steam or fire coming from a pipe near the door/goal that you would pass through as you go in. Just don't go to overboard with the emmitters as this WILL effect FPS, which is nice at the moment. :D

Posted: 30-05-2003 13:57
by Armagon
I'm not to fussed about the pain emitters behind the goals. As for the detail of the actual warehouse, I was planning to put a few pipes up against the walls. I WAS planning to put some crates in the corner, I'm free to do so now the actual room is built. As for signs and so on, I'm still searching google for half-decent quality pictures to put up. If anyone finds a picture that would work well in the map, post it here or give me the URL please.

Posted: 02-06-2003 17:08
by Armagon
Unfortunately I haven't been unable to do any work over the last few days (studying for exams), but in the last hour I have been working on the lighting and experimenting with it. I found a nice lighting combination so the level is looking a whole lot sweeter. :D

Posted: 02-06-2003 17:36
by Armagon
I just read this thread through from the start, looking at the older screenies. It's actually quite suprising for me to see how far this map has actually come. :)


Quite an evolution isn't it? :)