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Posted: 17-06-2005 21:11
by frkyjenn
Another thing.. If you guys have this.. and children are going to attend (anyone under the age of "legal" in whatever country you are having it in). Make sure parents attend also.

Posted: 13-12-2005 15:23
by Benbuben
I'd be happy to go to some meeting.. Best in Germany... But I don't speak German yet and i'd be ashamed... :rolleyes: And, btw, I'll go from prague on bike! (have been to Leipzig once on bike (in 2 days :D) and it was coool :o))

Posted: 13-12-2005 15:57
by xerxes
i have a friend who goes to my school that does notpron, or rather did it, did the first 80 levels in like 2 nights then stopped (im serious as well)

Posted: 13-12-2005 16:08
by Benbuben
I have nobody in school who is solving or solved notpron, but I am trying to change that... But they're often lazy, they give up at lvl 2 or 3! :P :(

Posted: 13-12-2005 17:58
by Rincewind SW
One friend got to 15. That was the best one, the rest got stuck at either 4 or 8. :(

Posted: 13-12-2005 23:05
by Futile
I think it's hard to keep doing notpron if you don't sign up on the forum and talk to people on it. Too easy to just quit if you get stumped.

Posted: 15-12-2005 21:53
by Hugob
That simply means this game is not done for them !! They may play games that u dont like! Everybody have their own pleasures!! ;)

Posted: 13-01-2006 13:40
by CrazyBelka
may be there is smb from RUSSIA? )))
I'd like to meet us )

Posted: 15-01-2006 11:40
by KevM
if there is anything to happen in Germany, Belgium or anything not too far away from my place.. sign me in :D

if the prices are ok, i may also come to the UK... but yeah... let's keep it small and not rush for anything... Nobody wants to travel to another country just to be disappointed xD

Posted: 11-07-2006 22:48
by nigella
I suggest Russia. So exotic!
But I am afraid that St. Petersburg is just nominally Europe and it would be too far for you guys. (

Posted: 11-07-2006 23:40
by snackbar
That would be cool. Moscow would be great too, there must be such great museums.
And I think customs allows each person to bring back one bride duty free.

Posted: 11-07-2006 23:48
by nigella
Actually I dont find Moscow worth visiting. :) Moscow is like Paris twenty years ago. Its not that impressive as Peter.

Then we should meet somwere in South-East, you can bring back up to 4 brides from there.

Posted: 02-12-2006 22:10
by encalien
what about slovenia? mountains, sea, plains everything in 2 hours drive... we could meet for a weekend or something.. and it's not so expensive here :)
otherways, if it's reasonable price i'm in =)

Posted: 02-12-2006 23:47
by Shenmue
Why not Kalmar, Sweden? I promise you, it would be an adventure, just surviving the cold winters of Sweden is an adventure in itself, especially with all the ice bears walking the streets just like humans. ;)

Nah, this seems pretty dead, but Germany would probably be the best alternative, since many here come from Germany. More than from Sweden or Slovenia anyway. ;) Not that I think I would attend if it's in Germany, I want to but I don't know if it would be worth the money. It doesn't seem very likely that there will be a Notpron-meeting at all, though.

Posted: 02-12-2006 23:59
by Kisa
No big meeting I guess.

What you can do is to meet 2 or 3 friends you found here at notpron. This is something you can plan more easily, and it's easier to find a good place and time.

And if you liked it, you can do another meeting in another place with other notpron friends and so on.

Just a rough idea ...