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Posted: 12-03-2006 06:54
by andyfrank
The worst mistake i made was on the level 49. I solved it within a few minutes, but kept misspelling the password. I tried it like 5 times, and figured it was the wrong answer. I spent about an hour trying to find something else. Then I realized I'd been spelling it wrong the entire time.

Posted: 14-03-2006 21:22
by djl00p
on level 9 i found the answer hidden in the source code and i never thought sing it as un and pw. i wasted two days googling to find what it is

Posted: 08-04-2006 19:55
by TeenSpirit
you seem to learn the most when you go off track.
i spent far too long on 3. i had all the pieces of information, but couldn't seem to put them together :/
then again on 6 I found out a lot of interesting things, not many of them helpful, but interesting all the same.
my problem is that I am far too creative in what I think I should be doing to get the answer, instead of being lateral.
I like it best when I'm off track, it's kinda sad to solve them and have to move on :(

Posted: 08-04-2006 22:05
by Kisa
Oh, then maybe Wayfarer's riddle might be a good riddle for you, too :)
Check the Other riddles thread ;)

Posted: 08-04-2006 23:35
by potat0
I read that we will need earlier levels to do later ones. Wil I need levels 1-10?

Posted: 08-04-2006 23:44
by Kisa
It's better to write down ALL levels, including 1-10 ;)

Posted: 19-04-2006 10:42
by i
update: more idiocy!!111
#46: used a wrong tool, got some strange lines that actually shouldn't be there. kept me off the track for half an hour...
#48: FINALLY learnt to NEVER google without "-notpron".
#52: painfully learnt that the background image as well as the sound can sometimes be simply meaningless...
#56: was misled by my visual sense of proportion which made me think of a slightly different level idea.
#63: thought i already knew everything about ligatures... got proven wrong.
#74: got damn misled by an egg saying "close but no cigar"...
#-19: kept entering a word with two wrong letters.
#-23: had the right idea, found it way too unplausible to even try...
#-24: did some absolute bullshit: found a correct part of the word in a completely wrong way, did the rest by guessing. the fact that i got to #-25 this way kept me sticking to the wrong interpretation, finally i looked out for a fucking walkthrough to see what i was doing wrong, and i didn't even understand the walkthrough... argh... argh... argh... :noob: :noob: :noob:
#-33: just was a n00b... saying more would spoil the level...
#-36: doing this level in fearcountry before reaching it in notpron IS a fucking mistake, though not a silly one since i couldn't guess that the fearcountry version is about twice as easy than the notpron one.
#-41: my handwriting sux. it does.

Posted: 19-04-2006 10:46
by Kisa
No guesses.

Posted: 21-04-2006 22:06
by Mighty Midget
So people getting too much out of the clues in the riddles are fun, eh? Ehrm! I do that constantly. Mental diagrams like nothing like it. Turning "URL" into "cappuchino wilderbeests congregating on the Black Rose druid's lap" and so on. But I hardly ever read the hint threads thoroughly! Silliest mistake? Enjoying it :D

Posted: 21-04-2006 23:53
by Sam_Atoms
Hmm, I guess I never did tell mine, huh?


I entered a door...... and I would never be the same......

Posted: 23-04-2006 22:25
by dory
lvl 57: I thought I got the right answer, but changing the url did not work. I read the hints, googled a bit more but couldn't find another answer. Came back the next day, tried changing the url again...and then it hit me: It was a username/password level!!! :D

Posted: 30-04-2006 22:05
by Klaxa
Mine was on level 61: I believed all the pics there were identical, took one at random and tried everything in Gimp with it, in order to find the answer (even made some very artistic things with the light effect and distorts :)) I was almost sure that the password "cracking" thing was there just for fun! Thanks, Kisa, for opening my eyes!

Posted: 01-05-2006 18:51
by chulen
maybe not the silliest, but one i have to remember...

i was on level2, i did it the address way, and thought i was cheating... almost quit the game because of that "mistake"

Posted: 28-05-2006 13:19
by mephistopheles
My silliest mistake so far was yesterday night on level 36.

I misinterpreted the hint in the source as abbreviation for "power spectral density" and tried almost 30 minutes to figure out, how this could be helpful :-)

Posted: 05-06-2006 06:15
by namaah
i've made too many mistakes to count , most of them being typo's and spelling one i remember was level 67

i knew the first part as soon i saw it and suprisingly it was that simple , same with the second part, typed in the answer , didn't work so i thought well i shouldn't expect the second on to be so easy aswell , starting reading more into the details of *** , tried all the names it has been refered to through time , tried anything remotely related to the type of *** it was (and alot of unrelatd things) ,tried converting all those things to german, french, dutch...etc (where i got the idea for that i'll never know ><), finally asked a freind for help to find out i had the right answer within seconds of first seeing the picture had just spelt it wrong ><