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Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-05-2018 16:34
by amh
Whoa another one! Congratulations GoomyLover704!!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-05-2018 21:44
by Pliskin
Nice GoomyLover!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 16-05-2018 17:55
by Asriel
Congratulations Goomy ^^

Great fucking work man

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 20-05-2018 05:27
by GoomyLover704
thank you asriel, and nice profile pic.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 21-05-2018 01:55
by Asriel

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 22-05-2018 08:14
by Jay2k1
Congrats Afivucpm who was confirmed yesterday!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 22-05-2018 08:23
by IICatzII
Gratz Afivucpm!!!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 22-05-2018 17:09
by Asriel
GG my friend beated the game


Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 22-05-2018 21:31
by Afivucpm
i first met notpron in july last year grants to an youtuber, Cellbit(i think that the majority of BR here founded it the same way)
in the journey to NU, ive played with viniucs moejd, my friend until -31 (we got stuck)
later that, i found 3 new friends, PLatyna_GAYmer (the name says a lot about him), Fernando MOURA (sexy, plays violin and fights, is it possible to improve that?) e o grande raposa (should talk more in zapzap group, but still the first one to beat -34, clearly a god)
we were playing together, and that was awesome!
after NU (level we couldnt talk about) we stopped a little...
in that long pause in NU, i met new people, that asked for help in the other levels
and it was GREAT
ive made new friends in that moment, that even exceeded the game (THEY ALSO ADDED ME ON FACEBOOK!)
after all this, i conclude that notpron didnt just gave me knowledge about various things (like image editing, sound editing, about how those source codes work, etc)
it gave me friends! and that was really important
and the last level really changes the way u see the world!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 23-05-2018 17:39
by Asriel

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 25-05-2018 09:13
by Jay2k1
Congrats to FMauro who was confirmed tonight!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 25-05-2018 09:18
by IICatzII
Woah!! Congrats FMauro!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 25-05-2018 12:19
by Asriel
Congratulations Fernando


Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 25-05-2018 16:24
by PJKiZe
Fernando Mauro, congratz my friend!! :D

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 25-05-2018 21:25
by amh
Congratulations FMauro! :)