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Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 08-01-2018 16:59
by amh
Grats Matheus :)

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 08-01-2018 20:59
by DavidM
It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Me being a rational type, I started experimenting with Remote Viewing with a friend and thought it must be bullshit. But the results were outstanding and I had no explanation.

Also go back a few pages in this thread to see where I posted results of past levels. I did this 2 or 3 times.
I will also post results of the current target soon. Matheus' solution was cool because he pretty accurately drew the central thing in the picture without realising what it is.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-01-2018 02:07
by GeraltofRivia
Interesting, I would like to try RV again with a new Nu target :D

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-01-2018 02:11
by GeraltofRivia
And congratulations Matheus! It is cool to see several Brazilians winning the game recently and others in the final stretch, the last 3 winners are from Brazil, would be a small influence of Cellbit?

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 09-01-2018 03:20
by Pliskin
Probably, was cellbit who introduced me to Notpron, Geralt, The 4 of the sequence will be from brazil too. Believe me, Our country will have this glory moment.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 10-01-2018 00:10
by Squeedle
Just remember, it's not like a photograph appears in your mind. You're not really trying to create a picture as much as your own artwork...sensations of color, heat, lines, motion, danger...that's what I experienced, and then I just interpreted them. If I told people to draw "flowing cold" I might get impressions of a river, or a fan blowing air, or maybe just solid lines of blue. Don't try to guess or make a picture...just draw your own "flowing cold," or whatever you feel...that would be my small piece of advice. And there are certainly GREAT online resources. I practiced quite a bit before really trying Nu.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 13-01-2018 02:06
by DavidM
Yes, it's best to send the "raw data" to me and not your interpretations that your mind creates out of them, like Squeedle explained.

The last winner perfectly drew the outlines of something without having a clue what it is.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 13-01-2018 05:52
by amh
Yep... I made that mistake!!

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 13-01-2018 17:35
by GeraltofRivia
True ...the sensations that I felt, however much they were right, confused me enough, making me imagine things in my mind, trying to guess is not a good idea, I'm glad David was able to guide me and make me leave these mental pollution beside.

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 31-01-2018 17:05
by Luoto
thats the hardest thing i ever tried to did, but i keep trying

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 04-02-2018 01:30
by dont_sub_to_me
I give up

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 04-02-2018 01:40
by dont_sub_to_me
theres no point

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 04-02-2018 01:41
by dont_sub_to_me
continuing this is a mistake

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 04-02-2018 01:42
by dont_sub_to_me
why am i coming back

Re: Level Nu (Real)

Posted: 04-02-2018 01:42
by amh
dont_sub_to_me wrote:theres no point
Maybe not to you but others are willing to try. To those I say 'stick at it, you have nothing to lose'