the New keeping style (on the pboxline)

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Post by GreyFox »

just copy axon´s keeping style and u will become a 1337 keeper
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Post by Messy »

axon = a faggot shy gay sissy racist towny boy kthx u aint shit lynx.
Catalyst88 wrote: GO FOR THE 900! :D

It's Messy..not Tony :o
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Post by Fruitcake »

any turn 180 degrees or over fucks my mouse up :( (it just spins)
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Post by f1end »

^^don't use a cheap optical mouse...

(my money's on a microsoft wheelmouse optical)
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

Razer Boomslang is the shiznit.
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Post by f1end »

...if u'r a freak...
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Post by Messy »

Which he probably is .. 700 (or bluetoothish 900) would be a good choice if ur looking for a new mouse :)
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Post by The_One »

I prefer the MX500 myself.
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Keeping is hard enough as it is.

Post by Torak »

Berk your whole reasoning behind your arguement is so ridiculous. First of all, it's much harder to keep than it is to score, with that said, nurfing the keep would only make games higher scoring, not like they aren't high enough as it is now. Second, Keepers who are aggresive usually know when to be aggresive and when not to be. You probably think all I do is jump out at ppl, which is not true, but my take on the situation is simple. I would rather challenge a shot by jumping out at someone and make them make a mistake or me shake them, then sit there and let someone get a FULLY charged shot off on me that I can only save by guessing where to dodge. Bottom line is, if a good forward is coming 1 on 1 against you, chances are they will have a fully charged shot before they release and chances are if you don't challenge it, it's going to be a goal.

Also to address your comment about Defenders making more saves then the goalie. That is just straight ludacris to say defenders get more saves then Goalies, complete bullshit. A defender who backs up his goalie while he challenges a shot is a good defender, doing anything other than that is just bad fundamentals. By being able to dodge at ppl and jump at them, it gives the striker that much more to think about before firing his shot, and gives the goalie just a little bit of a chance in 1 on 1's. A goalie who sits on his line and only saves goals by reactions is going to get beat everytime. There is a time to react and a time to jump out at ppl, and because of this the Keeper role should not be changed, and suggesting that it should is fallacious. Stopping goals is priority #1, if that means saving a shot or killing someone in the p-box, it's doing what you're supposed to do.

What it sounds like is you have a hard time playing against goalies who jump at you, cuz if you didn't you wouldn't be argueing this. My advice is learn how to score against aggresive goalies. Although I know you're going to say "I already can score against goalies like you, har har" but if that was the case, then why are you bitching...GG
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Post by nameless »

What it sounds like is you have a hard time playing against goalies who jump at you, cuz if you didn't you wouldn't be argueing this. My advice is learn how to score against aggresive goalies.
was my hint too :D