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Posted: 09-12-2003 11:19
by f1end
I think the two volleys would complicate things a bit too's hard enough for n00bs to volley as it is...anyway, there ARE two at the minute...if you include bounce \o/ (/me loves teh bounce), but with the lower pass power since 1.6 (1.7?), it's pretty useless for scoring unless the goal is empty, or your real close.

So, to sum up...what the hell was I on about again...???

Oh yeah, lower the volley radius a little. O_o

Posted: 09-12-2003 12:51
by nameless
if attackers can t score 1on1, they should learn how to shoot ... there are attackers who can score 80-90% in 1on1-situations as it is, but most players aren t used to play 1on1 with the keeper, nor shooting at all since they just volley every stupid ball. If there is def i agree, no way to shoot as long as the defense doesn t sleep. So the powerup is needed. I m just afraid that keepers get 100% chanceless in 1on1s...

Posted: 09-12-2003 15:43
by Inphidel
If D is doing there job there wont be 1 on 1's :)

Posted: 09-12-2003 22:47
by Inphidel
ok heres 3 more edited sounds, they're pretty similar to eachother cept the begging is slightly different on each ... arge04.wav ... arge05.wav ... arge06.wav

Posted: 09-12-2003 23:14
by DavidM
4 and 5 are cool

the effect in 6 will get annoying
an important thing about these sounds is that they must not be annoying when you hear em all the time

Posted: 09-12-2003 23:30
by Maegrim
like the loose-ball sounds? :D

Posted: 12-12-2003 20:23
lol i have made boxdef. on smallcube
64 kills 0 deaths
wicked sick hehe ... ch=6415702

Posted: 12-12-2003 23:00
by [V3]Cajubski
i cannot think of a more boring thing in deathball than box camping in smallcube...quite sad, not funny, made that game kinda shit, ya i was there :x

Posted: 13-12-2003 00:12
in this game was 3 off campers
i must make boxdef.
are hangers in the game i make boxdef.

Posted: 15-12-2003 11:37
by nameless
hm?? honestly i never ever had a def when playing smallcube o_O

Posted: 15-12-2003 12:32
by YoYo789
do you play n00bball? (vo)

Posted: 17-12-2003 08:34
by nameless
if u mean me ... i hate it. search the forum for postings like "i hate vo" or "vo suxx", u ll find my name ^^

Posted: 18-12-2003 00:43
by Torak
i always listened; just not to certain people (mostly from NA) who just have to be 24/7 tards.

DavidM, I totally see why you would say this, but please don't group all of us with the few fuck tards that are in the NA community. There is a lot of good people/players in the NA community, so blanket statements like that hurt our feelings *cries*. Anyway, just reminding you not to judge everyone based on a few ppl's immaturity.

*edit* I noticed you said "certain people", my bad I didn't read that at first so I wanted to clarify, but in general I'm just saying not all of us are assholes in NA. :P

Posted: 18-12-2003 07:02
by DavidM
i know i know :)
but cant you look after the kids?

Posted: 18-12-2003 08:30
by RaGe|DB
Torak wrote: DavidM, I totally see why you would say this, but please don't group all of us with the few fuck tards that are in the NA community. There is a lot of good people/players in the NA community, so blanket statements like that hurt our feelings *cries*. Anyway, just reminding you not to judge everyone based on a few ppl's immaturity.

*edit* I noticed you said "certain people", my bad I didn't read that at first so I wanted to clarify, but in general I'm just saying not all of us are assholes in NA. :P

yup INSANEH!!!!nodeodeneoneoneon and Disturbed <3 are leet people
and some more i sometimes play on pubs with \o/