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Posted: 30-10-2003 23:21
by speedy
banned :/

Posted: 31-10-2003 00:16
by ^BLiNx^
Lunix ur a disgrace to the whole fucking human race, ppl like u should be put in cages and left to rot. til u rot, u should be poked, regularly with a sharp stick, hard.

Lunix Isn't The "disgrace to the whole fucking human race"! you are!

Lunix Knows this is just a video game. Lunix is aware of reality!

For The First TIme I Must Agree With Lunix.

Now, You Geeks There's No Reason For you to crap your pants just because fo this internet forum. FREAK!

Remember The Day You were born. It Was The Last time you Geeks Saw Woman Genitals.
Peace cannot be given to us, it has to be attained. We all must find in ourselves to come to common ground, until then shall there be a rift among us all. Why cannot we come to agreement about a game we play? Conflict gets the best of us and we strife to resolve even though there is no end to it.

1º What Peace? What Are you...? Some huge geek I supose. I Believe You Should Seek Professional Help if keep thinking that You Are in a Lord Of The Rings Alike Saga In search for The Peace between Americans and Europeans in the Deathball Comunity.

2º Is Everyone in The DeathBall Comunity Like this? Does everyone Think That One's social life in this comunity is importante in the Real Life ?

3º Why Give so Much Importance To a Simple matter like this? this has a Simple Solution:

Click On "Start -> ShutDown -> Go Get Girlfriend"

People have been fighting for centuries over feeble issues.
Where?! On Quake III arena !?

5º Is Catalist Messias? A Nerd hero? A Peace Keeper? No! He is Just A Missled child who must have been abused in the past (and present?)

Americans = gay nigger fat bitches asses!!!!!!!!!


Posted: 31-10-2003 00:19
by fro
sup lunix :cool:

Posted: 31-10-2003 00:34
by theberkin8or
lol i have to say i got a good langh out of lunix and i think that is what he was going for... fallin can't be too made cuz he on the same level as sin ;)

Posted: 31-10-2003 05:18
by Fallen
Why bother to compete with fools with less Iq as myself. Shall I bring myself down to the words of a common portugal fag? No! Just like a few months ago, in the everyone versus V3 thread, the one person who didn't post was me because it was childish to think that one person could stop bickering.

As I have stated before, peace cannot be given to us, it has to be attained to the hardships and struggles we endure. After an understanding is accomplished, we will grow as a human race, let go the binds of racial differences and become strong humans. Seems something that will never occur, however to dream of it, would be nice to live in a world where everyone got along.

Posted: 31-10-2003 05:57
by The_One
Fallen wrote: Why bother to compete with fools with less Iq as myself. Shall I bring myself down to the words of a common portugal fag? No!

By using the word fag you have brought yourself down to his level.

Posted: 31-10-2003 06:00
by Fallen
Wow...look down upon me because I don't care.

Posted: 31-10-2003 06:02
by devnull

Posted: 31-10-2003 11:06
by absuga
LOlolol n1 blinx :p
Eu disse k eles eram mm mtooooo nerds =pPpPpPp

Fallen u gay n00b wy dont u go help Your mama The fatBitch... the bitch needs cockies

Posted: 31-10-2003 11:11
by RaGe|DB
lol Lunix = blind = absuga = L-H-O-E-Z-H-E-R !

Posted: 31-10-2003 11:13
by BurntLeaf


Posted: 31-10-2003 14:09
by absuga
neh only absuga = lunix :P

Posted: 31-10-2003 15:15
by -Camel-
absuga = lunix = twat, end of discussion.

Posted: 31-10-2003 15:16
by ^BLiNx^
I am not lunix.

Lunix is ugly. I have beautiful blond , long, curly hair...(and also my eyebrowns)
portugal fag?

I Know You are, But What am i?

Posted: 31-10-2003 15:20
by absuga
lol blonde no i am blonde :D _|_

camel wy dont u go rape ur syster?