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Posted: 07-10-2003 22:39
by [V3]Jew
You know what never mind, we wont win anything else khus is cut kthx we should go to div2

Posted: 07-10-2003 23:14
by Fallen
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ :devil:

Posted: 07-10-2003 23:24
by GazMaN
on a side note!!

i remember last season davidm saying winners of dbl div 1 won a server supplied by gameservers!

is the same happening this season?

Posted: 08-10-2003 07:30
by BurntLeaf

I doubt it this time eh?

Posted: 08-10-2003 09:27
by XiLLeRaToR
doubt it very much=) gratz gaz and the rest of the lads tho

Posted: 08-10-2003 11:40
by Triple_B
why not let V3 go to division 1? Would be a laugh to see them bigmouthed loosing almost every match :D (not for the V3 people without a big ego tho)

Posted: 08-10-2003 11:44
by XiLLeRaToR
on a funny note, as it stands atm, aov's goal difference is higher than all teams except 3dgrr have scored=) thats some going

Posted: 08-10-2003 11:52
by Triple_B
lol now that you mention it yeh, quite funny :D

Posted: 08-10-2003 11:54
by XiLLeRaToR
idd it is, think i got about 8 or 9 of them, not much tho is it=)

Posted: 08-10-2003 12:58
by Zouuu
\o/ :p

Posted: 08-10-2003 16:19
by 1234Bedlam
Wipes a tear from his eye ;)

Catalyst88 wrote: 123/4 have (and still) play a very important role in the spread of DB, since they have two of the most used public servers out there, so, in conclusion, 123/4 rule :). And ditto @ what gazza said.
XiLLeRaToR wrote: 1234 own, they ARE the very essence of deathball, what theyve done for this community overshadows anything else anyone has done, more power to 1234

Posted: 09-10-2003 08:01
by [V3]Jew
Who cares we got khus and now we lose gg

Posted: 10-10-2003 03:22
by themachine
Yep, well played all aov. Bring on next season :D:D :D

Posted: 12-10-2003 03:39
by BonGy
GazMaN wrote: idd, 2 of the players were nearly new to the game and only in the clan cos they were friends.

lol, i remeber som1 saying to me, "if ur gonna play v3 put ur best team out cos theyll gloat like fuck if they beat ya."

i thought fuck it, its a fw ill play whoever wants in :)

lol i played that one i think..

figures :D i really sucked bakc then, almsot as much as i do now :D

Posted: 12-10-2003 09:18
by Fallen
So, we won on a map we never play on, against ppl who can volley on a euro server. Even if you didn't have teh best 5 out there, you should be able to win. AoV thinks they so good, try us again with your best 5. Schedule it, might get some coverage when we win division 1.

Whereas, who is the best team of division one of both leagues.