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Post by -plær- »

I just gave it a quick offline test. what you have acheived so far is superb. I'm really very impressed. But, as always, I have a couple of points.

1: Moving between two teleporting areas of the map is a little dis-orienting. Is there any way you can get the players' view to not "jump" like it does at the moment?perphaps a little maths in a built-in .u file to alter the players' view?

2: Running across (parallel) to the teleporter region gives some SERIOUS warping. Although that is just an extension to the first point.

3: There are a few bits of hardware (pipes and such) on the walls behind the goals. These might cause a little randomness if the ball hits. A player could possible be boosted onto them for an easy-catch/lame-goal. Perhaps make them non-solid?

4: In general, it all seems a bit on the large side. Perhaps a bit too large for 5 v 5, but then again, a change from the normal is always nice :)

5: Need to put some markers in for goalposts in the middle radar.

6: The "and the ball hits the post" will get annoying. The post hit sounds are enough already :)

Other than that, really excellent stuff. The flickering isn't too much of a problem, but I guess if it can be fixed, then all the better. Good work, I look forward to the next version. \\o
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Post by UnrealKrake »

-plær- , thanks for ya test:

1. + 2. yea i know the problem with the teleporters, but i'm not a skilled coder, i was very happy to find a way to delete the teleporter effect, which caused extrem fps issues. Maybe a solution for that problem would be to place little Blockingvolumes between the teleporters, so that if you walk in it across, you can only trigger one teleporter, need to test that

3. maybe i should cover them with an huge blocking volume ?! Thinkin of a solution for that

4. Think so too, only a test with many players would show if it is too huge (or smallrotatorcube for the 2v2 freaks ;))

5. forgot that ;) sorry easiest one to fix :P

6. Added this message for the players located on other parts of the map (because of the complicated arrangement of the map) the post sound can't be heard in every half of the map, only in the half the goal is located... so the message would be helpful for the keeper of the team which hits the post e.g. because he could hardly see what happens in different half and he can't hear the Post sound.

Sorry for my strange explanation *g*

Any (more) suggestions are welcome
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Post by UnrealKrake »

To 1. & 2.

Tried different ways. One way was to attach only one teleporter to a mover which moves very fast from side to side ... isn't possible because of pathnode information :(

So i have to trick it with a high amount of work :( It's not a great solution, but in fact it will work ... i will create One-Way Teleporters, so that they only can be used in 1 direction without causing this strange fault which appears atm.

Other solutions are welcome


Faster than i thought... Works "perferct" (perfect in the meaning that the fault isn't appearing any more, but looks a bit strange)
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 17-11-2003 17:01, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by -plær- »

good stuff \\o
I'm looking forward to the next beta.
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Post by UnrealKrake »

Moved the STATUS REPORT list to the first post
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 18-11-2003 10:21, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

-plær- wrote: 6: The "and the ball hits the post" will get annoying. The post hit sounds are enough already :)
Didn't reply to that :p
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Post by UnrealKrake »

Messy wrote: \o/
Didn't reply to that :p

I did
UnrealKrake wrote:
6. Added this message for the players located on other parts of the map (because of the complicated arrangement of the map) the post sound can't be heard in every half of the map, only in the half the goal is located... so the message would be helpful for the keeper of the team which hits the post e.g. because he could hardly see what happens in different half and he can't hear the Post sound.
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 17-11-2003 20:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Messy »

oops -.-
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Post by -plær- »

a couple of possible solutions to 3.

You could convert them to static meshes, then re-import and change the collision properties.

Or, change the "type" of the brush to "non-solid". Although I have played around with this and it tends to cause a little graphical glitching sometimes. Might be worth a try though.

hth :)
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Post by UnrealKrake »

Must add something important to the TO DO list:

The replacement of the HUD Icons :( (I mean the green arrow up the ball and the (speech) bubbles up players' heads).

First thing should be to create a script to deactivate these icons. That would help enormously :P.

>>>Later on, if possible, these icons should be replaced by normal static meshes. I know displaying names on them would be nearly impossible, but maybe just an arrow with the team colour would be helpful. Attaching a static mesh to players would do the effect i like. This actor would be obscured by walls and other actors, while the HUD overlay is always visible. That means that the markers would be displayed at the right position...

Too bad i'm not skilled enough to code something like that... /me is a coder :noob: . But maybe someone could help me out with an easy script deleting the icons ::Pfffff::

would be very thankful...
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Post by UnrealKrake »

While waiting for solutions, using the time to fill some empty spaces ... "static mesh mirror bug"s often appears so developing and adding stuff is very complicated...

here a wip shot :P
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Post by Armagon »

Certainly looks nicer. :)
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Post by UnrealKrake »

Got my new computer yesterday \o/

Must improve Teleporters again (found out that if you got "behindview 1" on, some places are bugged)...

Throwing out Beta 0.6 Today ... :)
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Post by -plær- »

UnrealKrake wrote: Throwing out Beta 0.6 Today

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Post by UnrealKrake »

Faster than i thought =)

DB-RotatorCube V0.6 (delete .lol extension)

Someone please help me with creating a script to deactivate normal "Deathball icons"...

If you think the icon bug sucks, click "configure radar" -> and deselct "beacon"

- again replacing the teleporter system with another idea... but this time, it should run smoother and you should not be able to "cross-teleport" ... PLEASE TEST IT
- starting to fill empty spaces of the map with stuff

Comments please ...
Last edited by UnrealKrake on 20-11-2003 11:26, edited 1 time in total.