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Posted: 19-07-2003 00:57
by Cenotaph
sum1 lick me?
Posted: 19-07-2003 05:50
by InSaNe
/me licks Ceno
Hope you enjoy my sluttish figure
Posted: 19-07-2003 05:57
by Twigstir
I like the new deflection. I'm sure the deathball gang will be tweeking it.
Posted: 19-07-2003 07:17
by Surge
i intentially deflect the ball off people as the keeper now.. it clears the ball so fast its sad.
Posted: 19-07-2003 08:24
by gutterflower
you still play ? omfg..
Posted: 19-07-2003 09:07
by YoYo789
yeah, he still plays, and still complains that db is the worst thing in the world. go figure
Posted: 19-07-2003 09:36
by DiStUrbeD
deflection is lame, neither the offense or defense get a benefeit from it, as it just deflects out of the playing field a majority of the time.
Posted: 19-07-2003 13:13
by MeSSiaH{FCU}
Originally posted by DiStUrbeD
[edit]deflection is lame ATM, neither the offense or defense get a benefeit from it, as it just deflects out of the playing field a majority of the time. [/edit]
Posted: 19-07-2003 22:12
by DiStUrbeD
imo, deflection will always be lame. As a defender, i dont want to lose the ball because i was too close to him.
losing the ball for good defense is a bad idea. takes away a LOT of scoring chances
Posted: 19-07-2003 22:29
by Chrisfu
I think deflection should definately be scrapped in 1.8b, at LEAST until the occurances of ball travelling straight through players is slashed by about 95%. It's getting ridiculous.
Posted: 19-07-2003 22:32
by RaGe*NL*
well as attacker i normally jump infront of the keep in the hope of getting the ball and (maybe) score . but now the keeper just shoots on me on purpose so it deflects and the ball gets to the reset spawn. oO
Posted: 19-07-2003 23:29
by Surge
DB to be honest is a very good game with a very good concept behind it, but it has some serious spam issues that have not been adressed.
First and foremost, the whole enemy team volley power based on end is retarded. Cant we just go back to the old, simple system of a weak volley on a non-friendly ball and leave it at that? It worked fine through version .9 to 1.3b. In 1.4b it was alright but still noticable and was one of my major complaints and it still is.
Even on offence i prefer ball control to spamming an overhead ball out of play or at a wall in hopes i can catch it off the bounce. In 1.3b it was possible to hit the overhead ball and for it to still stay on the pitch and have some kind of control over it (opposed to blasting it in a general direction)
This deflection system is good, in theory. In effect its not so fantastic. I'd personally like to see something implemented so the deflection can only happen against passes and regular shots. Not shakes or overcharges. This will encourege the defender to attack you opposed to camping the Pbox and waiting for you to start charging. I look at deflection as a way to STOP pbox camping but due to its current implmentation its encouregeing it.
Many teams in NA on defense have stopped trying to kill the ball carrier all together and just stated letting the ball deflect for a reset and boosting to the ball or leaving a picker there. Its a risk free way of getting the bal to at least mid field and if played properly you can very easily get a 2v1 or 2v2 on offense. This encoureges teams to fill their Pbox and cause deflections. Again the better boosting team will always win, and turtling with 3 players and a keep in the Pbox is VEEEERRRY difficult to score on for any team. 2-3 keeps on every shot? thats not skill or strategy, its cheap and defeats the purpose of having a keeper.
Deflection and high non-shot volley powers make this game a spam fest. This isnt fun for anyone and justs wastes out time making us all ball chasers. Chasing the ball is not smart passing, its not good team play. Spam reduction is in great need if anything.
Posted: 20-07-2003 01:19
by InSaNe
gutterflower wrote:
you still play ? omfg..
Posted: 20-07-2003 02:53
by R3L!K
I hate to say it. But Surge is right. O_O
Posted: 20-07-2003 03:00
by The_One
i agree and i don't mind saying it.