Boosting again

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by FireCell »

surely u can do something relating to how high u are. I mean using the boosttrick across the floor will be relatively pointless. Mainly they are flying above ur head when they catch the ball. Surely there is another way to fix this problem.
Posts: 40
Joined: 30-03-2003 21:36

Post by BloodyLoony »

I don't think it's necessary to remove the multijumps at all.
As FireCell states the problem is mainly that the attackers fly right over defence giving defense no chance even if they have a guard in pbox.
So I'm thinking just two modifications should do it.

Boost strength lowered. But maybe if boost height was reduced to about 50% no one would be able to fly over any defenders.
Still defenders would have to nick the ballcarrier in the pbox, but not if the ballcarrier was stopped (or slowed down) by a boost from the opponent outside the pbox!

This would make boost goals rather hard to do as there needs to be a hole for the ballcarrier to fly through. As of now he can just fly over and even "through" the defense ouside the pbox.

I really think this is the way to fix it, but the problem might be if we still want (almost) as long boost as now, but not as high. Then the boost angle would be different from the angle the booster points his shieldgun... but I guess that just needs some testing.

What do you say?
Last edited by BloodyLoony on 07-06-2003 23:54, edited 1 time in total.