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Posted: 12-07-2006 08:02
by Ker]v[et
btw gona upload some screenes from the ~ vs pX game later today (me stabs nero to send me the 1stgame screenshot)

Posted: 12-07-2006 12:48
by Messy
Ker]v[et wrote: *hint* use deflect/block better, dont get to close to him after a hit ... also if you save one side with the blocking well the keeper has an smaller area to secure.*hint*


It doesn't feel very good trusting on deflection however :) especially when you're not actually in front of him (some situations just don't allow you to be in his face all the time).

Posted: 12-07-2006 15:43
by The_One
It would be nice if deflection was more realistic. Deflecting through you is kinda annoying.

Posted: 12-07-2006 15:48
by DavidM
i wish i could help it. im telling the coders for 2 years to fix the deflect...that it should never go through people :/
well well, whenever they try to, they cant get it right.
or "i think i have it now"...but when you try it, you notice its exactly as before :P

my hands are tied :o

Posted: 12-07-2006 16:17
by Goldeneye
DavidM wrote: my hands are tied :o

then learn uscript and fix it yourself - it's not that hard :D

Posted: 12-07-2006 18:53
by DavidM
its like telling a coder to design something, to make a level, a texture etc


Posted: 13-07-2006 17:17
by Shigeru
Why do I not see any screenies? Hasn't there a single match be played :S? Come on guys, you've got a few days left only!

Posted: 13-07-2006 18:52
by Ker]v[et



PS@Shig: interesting that you hosting the cup, payed one match and didnt make any screens or ask teammates for it (nero did some)

little report: the first match went out realtive close with a 7-5 for pX after pX was leading in the first half liquidz managed to came back but pX contert clear. Good game!
the 2nd game did not went well for Liquid. pX manged to score 3 goals in less then 2 min's! They kept on scoring while ~ managed at least 3 goals with an endresult of 10-3 to pX and a 2:0 in Maps.

Both teams seemd to play fair without any bigger Bugissurs, GG!

Posted: 13-07-2006 19:38
by Nero
Line-up: Tita (subbed by riCo at the end) - me - Shigeru, Xilly, Flex

Hmm we were leading the whole match and played quite ok ... we lost the concentration a bit as riCo had to sub Tita because of ping problems and liq could shorten the difference

second map:
Line-up: Tita - me - riCo, Flex, Shig

We took a fast lead and didn't give it away till the end

Was a fair game and Liq put up a good fight. I hope they keep improving for the next match :)

Posted: 13-07-2006 23:08
by fb.shev
can i say... dont hate...

maybe you know, but this isnt really well thought through. we cant leave clans to sort it out, im told to be sitting in my lil channel at a certain time and we dont even have the opposition, we need _dates_ (some real ^^ :D) for pfunk to play ggun needs to be around, and he wont be on most nights. for poo to play davidm needs to be around, aB organised for today, but its davids birthday

just suggesting, we wait for full released, which we were told another beta was gonna be used.
we wait for more clans, because we have tons of clanless arriving.
we wait for november possibly tribun and curve, and stop the bullshit

edit: trying not to disrespect shigerpoo too much, but can we have someone with abit more popularity and power in DB to take fourth and organise something, great shig to get a community buzzing, be we really need a davidm, or a goldeneye, a kerm to get something going.


Posted: 14-07-2006 09:43
by xiller8r
tbh its not too difficult to take screens of your matches and put them on a forum is it.

Posted: 14-07-2006 11:01
by Shigeru
Indeed, you're whining Shev. I have organised more cups than these and it's just that you guys are a bunch of lazy twats, otherwise all the matches would've been played already.

Is it that hard to contact a person to ask when their clan can play? It goes like this in every cup. Also on Clanbase. They give you a week and the clans themselves have to figure out when they can play in that week.

It's your own fault, not mine.

Posted: 14-07-2006 12:22
by fb.shev
didnt say it was yours, really dont get the point do you :)

POO and aB i guess arranged that date. but we have 5 members each needed, aB only has 5...we showed up, and POO didnt. pfunk is never around, so i wanted to emphasise the point its too early, yes the community got buzzing and a couple of clans derrived from this, but for something real to happen i believe someone with more power and popularity who do something better.
1.) If davidm did it he would probably set real dates to give clans more insentive
2.) thered be a site so we wouldnt have to bodger around on here
3.) noone talks to you, and you dont sort stuff out.
n) etc

Posted: 14-07-2006 13:36
by Messy
Personally I'd rather wait for 2.4f...

Either you could give us another week, or wait for the new release I suppose :o but that might take a long while :)

It just feels unfair for defenders to have to fight against a bug :)

Posted: 14-07-2006 13:56
by Shigeru
It isn't a bug....

It's the same as Orney uses the 2.4e keeper abuse. If you just dodge in front of someone, he can never shoot around you and the keeper will always catch it.