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Posted: 17-01-2006 18:56
by Orio
Lord Lio wrote: another chance for you people...
don't spoil it this time ;)

RIDDLE #7 - 2


Still cant get these :confused:


Posted: 17-01-2006 21:17
by Lord Lio
Orio wrote: Still cant get these :confused:


why is 36=10?
and if so,

Posted: 11-02-2006 05:47
by meep98324
not sure whether you would consider this a small riddle or not, but for any math buffs, this is a factoring problem I'm working on right now.


The problem is to solve for a, b, or c, in terms of the other 3 variables. (The right side is symmetrical, so if you can get one, it's the same as getting the other 2) It's a really interesting problem, I'm just not getting anywhere with it yet.

edit: I was able to do it, but I'll keep the challenge up anyways. :)

Posted: 12-02-2006 00:12
by Henshin
Oh, I've got one!
Riddle #9:

Once upon a time, there were three princes who wished to marry a princess. The princess wished to marry one of them, but not the other two. Her father however, was rather conservative, and did not feel she was ready to marry any of them. The King decided to put all three of them to tests that he believed none of them would be able to pass. First, he blindfolded them all, then led each in turn to his individual test.

The next day, before the king started the challenges, he had the princes blindfold themselves. Then he led each of them to their respective challenge.

The King led Prince #1 to the base of a mountain where there were ten painted, wooden doors, glistening in the sun. "All but one of these doors in front of you are white," said the King. "If you can tell me within the next ten minutes, which door is black, then you may marry my daughter. You may not speak to anyone, and you may not remove your blindfold."

The King led Prince #2 to a hillside, and pointed out across his lush green valleys to the edge of his kingdom, where ten beautiful buildings stood. "All but one of these buildings in front of you are white," the King said. "If you can tell me within the next ten minutes, which building is black, then you may marry my daughter. You may not speak to anyone, and you may not remove your blindfold."

The King led Prince #3 to a magnificent dining table where ten places were impeccably laid out. "All but one of the napkins on this table are white," said the King. "If you can tell me within the next ten minutes, which napkin is black, then you may marry my daughter. You may not speak to anyone, and you may not remove your blindfold."

Ten minutes later, only one of the princes - the one the princess wished to marry - had succeeded at his individual test. Which one of the princes had succeeded, and how?

Posted: 12-02-2006 00:41
by meep98324
prince #1 succeeded, because the black door would be much hotter than the white doors, because it absorbs heat while the white doors reflect it.

Posted: 12-02-2006 00:47
by Nicky
But how could you be sure it was the right one?

I reckon it was the napkin dude. The princess could have frayed the edge of the black one.

Posted: 12-02-2006 00:51
by meep98324 also never says that they can't be spoken any of them are possible actually.

Posted: 12-02-2006 00:55
by Hex
I thought #2, same logic as you, meep

Posted: 12-02-2006 00:58
by meep98324
good call, because the buildings would be made out of metal, which attracts heat better than wood. still doesn't explain why the princess got her wish though.

Posted: 12-02-2006 06:47
by Henshin
Where did I say the buildings were metal?

Posted: 24-02-2006 12:07
by aerguin
Here's a hard one:

Riddle #10

There are 2 matematicians. One matematician (P) is given the result of the product of 2 unknown numbers. The other (S) is given the result of the sum of those same 2 numbers. We only know that both numbers are greater than 1, and that their sum is smaller or equal to 100.

Later on, these 2 matematicians have a phone-conversation.
P: "I don't know what the 2 numbers are".
S: "I knew you wouldn't know what numbers they would be."
P: "Now I know what numbers they are".
S: "Now I know what numbers they are".

Which were the numbers?

Posted: 25-02-2006 05:29
by Sam_Atoms
I got this one. You basically have to write a computer program to solve this.

Posted: 25-02-2006 18:26
by aerguin
It can be done without a computer program, without going and trying with a bunch of numbers, but it's very complicated.
You have to put the conditions that the future solution must fill and go eliminating numbers from the posible solutions. These conditions get more and more complicated, but if you do it right you eliminate all numbers except one, which will tell you the solution.

Posted: 25-02-2006 19:55
by meep98324
actually, this was a mathcamp problem from past year. it was a really interesting one too. it definately can be done without a computer.

Posted: 25-02-2006 21:42
by jooly
Someone post the solution (working) to this one, please :) or PM. I'll never get it, but it intrigues me.