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Posted: 27-11-2004 17:06
by Maegrim
lol @ pet headcrab

Posted: 27-11-2004 17:40
by FeEdiKo
xiller8r wrote: people still havent finished hl2?:x

nope because i cba to play it more than 2 hours a day... need multiplayer action \o/

Posted: 27-11-2004 18:58
by Rens2Sea
xiller8r wrote: people still havent finished hl2?:x

Some ppl got jobs...

Posted: 28-11-2004 15:41
by FeEdiKo
nice game but a big meh for the ending :eek:

Posted: 28-11-2004 19:24
by fb.shev
xiller8r wrote: people still havent finished hl2?:x

gets boring after a while

Posted: 29-11-2004 21:11
by Rens2Sea
FeEdiKo wrote: nice game but a big meh for the ending :eek:

agreed :(

Posted: 29-11-2004 23:32
by FeEdiKo
<3 \o/ :p

Posted: 30-11-2004 00:20
by GhosT_Face_KiLLa
Anything is better than Deathball piece of shit buggy boring Nazi game imo:devil:

Posted: 30-11-2004 06:15
by Armagon
GhosT_Face_KiLLa wrote: Anything is better than Deathball piece of shit buggy boring Nazi game imo:devil:
Then don't play it. :)

Posted: 30-11-2004 14:21
by [1234]Jr
GhosT_Face_KiLLa wrote: Anything is better than Deathball piece of shit buggy boring Nazi game imo:devil:

Did you want a side helping of attention with that :rolleyes:

I sort of "stopped" half way into Ravenholm..

1) Scary shit
2) Almost out of Ammo (grav gun for life)
3) Started playing C&C: Generals - Zero Hour again

Posted: 30-11-2004 19:14
by GhosT_Face_KiLLa
Jr still trying to b be funny? arse licking his way up the popualrity ladder fucking cock go die u fat piece of ugly shit mother fuck i fuck ur dead in his fucking left ear, YES MY COCK IS FUCKING HUGE EAT IT EAT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 30-11-2004 19:21
by speedy
ghost_face_retard, shut the fuck up.

Posted: 30-11-2004 20:08
by fb.shev
same here jr

trying to kill all the butt headed things following the guy with shotgun... run out of ammo, and i forgot the slicer with grav gun

Posted: 30-11-2004 20:54
by l0afz
id rather be not funny than a guy asking someone to eat his cock, tbh.

Posted: 30-11-2004 22:57
by Dazlin
finaly finished... heres is a sort of spoiler!! + and incentive to play... :D (on the end level you get an upgraded grav gun that can pick up bodies :D)..... kthx weeeeee