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Posted: 19-03-2003 13:23
by fro
rage, i think hes refferring to another idea.

(having sprint on for div1, and optional for div2)

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:24
by TEZC-Rage
'-Sprint in 1st league cuz the pro's need to play the pro version'

if that's not forcing, then what is?

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:24
by Bazzi
We suggested doing this, which doesn't mean that we actually do it.

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:24
by Axl
Bazzi wrote: Rage: We won't force them (period).

DavidM wrote: So another suggestion:
In first division: Sprint always on

:rolleyes: that suggestion to me sounds like a very forcefull way :confused:

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:27
by Axl
Anyway, Im off to lunch now :D..

But tbh i dont think our comments and suggestions will be listened to anyway.. We all know that come the first season next week or when ever in the rules we will be seeing

Home Team Decides On Sprint

So this whole post will be a waste of time :(

pld DBL team! :(

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:28
by Bazzi
Axl: Thanx for your trust in us :p

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:29
by Chrisfu
DavidM wrote: "off, and on when both agree" will be the way to go if the majority of the 1st division teams dont like it
Take it to a vote so we can decide this beyond any reasonable doubt. The debate has been going on for far too long.

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:29
by DavidM
The problem is, that only 5 guys say the same things here over and over

we'll make a poll, and ask all league players to vote

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:29
by NaB
yea Axl i agree. its discussion and stalling followed by the same action that was gonna be taken in the first place. even tho the general opinion was against that action.


Posted: 19-03-2003 13:30
by DavidM
"the general opinion was against that action."

thats the thing I dont know, only know the opinion of 10-20 people :|

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:31
by Bazzi

Posted: 19-03-2003 13:56
by NightSpirit|ZBN
Speaking as leader of a clan heading for Division 2 for the upcoming season I know I shouldn't get too much of a say with the "Div1 rules" thing. However, I don't believe that there should be a rule-difference between the divisions. If div1 did end up playing with sprint on and the rest with it off then how unfair would that be for those teams promoted to division one next season? They would start off with a big disadvantage by having to adapt to the different style. Sure, they could play lots of sprint-enabled friendlies with obliging teams before the start of the next season but that is no substitute for all the teams who have played a whole season with sprint to learn how to best use it.

While some of my team like sprint (me included), most of them do not. I think, this is mainly due to people just not practicing it enough to learn how usefull it can be and because it can change gameplay quite a lot. Very few pubs have sprint enabled and while I have tried to organize some sprint-enabled friendlies, I usually get so many complaints that I have to turn it off. :(

Therefore, I believe the best way is to leave sprint off for ALL divisions unless BOTH teams agree to play with it on.

To cater for those few of us who want to play some meaningfull games with sprint. I would love to have Nab's DBL Sprint-Cup (beat me to that suggestion :p) as an optional competition running along side the League every season :) We ARE going to have cups, right? :D

Posted: 19-03-2003 14:30
by NaB
And besides, if what you guys say is right and ppl will like sprint once they get used to it - If you have it so sprint is on only if both teams decide, as the season goes on, more and more games will become sprint ones.

(note, thats only if you think ppl will warm to sprint once they play with it more. Im not convinced that is the case. either way everyone comes out with something to smile about)

Posted: 19-03-2003 15:02
by Cyph
DBL Sprint-Cup
That is a fucking good idea. That should be used, definitely. Keep the DBL pure and simple, and the cups can be used for having fun.

Posted: 19-03-2003 15:21
by NaB
and then teams can show that they are adept in both disciplines by trying to do the double \o/