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Posted: 30-10-2003 04:54
by YoYo789
themachine wrote: No way, cant take out the insta gib in the area. Or you will get people jumping real close to the net letting them selves get hit once and passing it in... you would need about 10 defenders to defend well like that :p

No, you just need to defend further out and get the first hit in early.

As long as the keeper has instagib within the p-box, they can't get too close with a good keeper.

Posted: 30-10-2003 05:08
by DiStUrbeD
pbox camping isnt about the gib, its about the shake shot

wait at the edge of the pbox for them to charge, if they run in before they charge, you gib them

igib isnt the problem, shake is

Posted: 30-10-2003 05:23
by R3L!K
dont know who suggested removing instagib from the pbox (even if only for the defenders), but to understate it extremely, i'd say thats not a good idea.

secondly, I have been in favour of increasing the effectiveness of shooting for a while now. Only a marginal increase is required. I'd say at the moment a decent keeper should be able to save anything with a travel time of 0.65 sec+ which means that anything fired from just outside the pen area should be below that time given appropriate powering.

if the power is increased so that a full power shot can reach the goal in 0.65 sec from say about 5 paces further back (eg just beyond the keeper dodge-jump range) i think we might see an improvement.

Posted: 30-10-2003 05:30
by YoYo789
DiStUrbeD wrote: pbox camping isnt about the gib, its about the shake shot

wait at the edge of the pbox for them to charge, if they run in before they charge, you gib them

igib isnt the problem, shake is
It is about the gib. The shake is no different in or out of the pbox, so there is no shake advantage for camping on the pbox. The advantage is in the fact that if they cross the line they're dead. That is what makes the pbox such a good place to defend. You get the regular shake defence, plus the "can't come closer" defence.

Take away the igib except for the keeper, and defenders actually get to do their job and defend, rather than sit on the line and apply an extremely simple rule to stop most shots.

Posted: 30-10-2003 05:36
by beefsack
R3L!K wrote: dont know who suggested removing instagib from the pbox (even if only for the defenders), but to understate it extremely, i'd say thats not a good idea.

not trying to be rude but why? its gonna take a good argument to convince me otherwise. i think its at least worth a go.

Posted: 30-10-2003 06:20
by DiStUrbeD
YoYo789 wrote: It is about the gib. The shake is no different in or out of the pbox, so there is no shake advantage for camping on the pbox. The advantage is in the fact that if they cross the line they're dead. That is what makes the pbox such a good place to defend. You get the regular shake defence, plus the "can't come closer" defence.

Take away the igib except for the keeper, and defenders actually get to do their job and defend, rather than sit on the line and apply an extremely simple rule to stop most shots.

easy way to get around that

defender backs into the keeper box, and keeper gibs them at the line

last thing you want is a defender that cant be boosted off of you, blocked, and has dodge

and, pbox camping is about the shake, because nobody is going to shoot from way outside the box with any luck. gib is just an added bonus

Posted: 30-10-2003 07:58
by [V3]Jew
boost stick broom stick needs to go kthx and leave it off:noob: learn to knock tha d out tha way and score kthx whos NEXT!!!

Posted: 30-10-2003 08:03
by YoYo789
DiStUrbeD wrote: last thing you want is a defender that cant be boosted off of you, blocked, and has dodge

Well, we're not proposing any changes to keeper powers. So it would be the same as now with respect to the keeper.

Posted: 30-10-2003 08:07
by beefsack
DiStUrbeD wrote: defender backs into the keeper box, and keeper gibs them at the line
and leaves an open goal?
DiStUrbeD wrote: last thing you want is a defender that cant be boosted off of you, blocked, and has dodge
and leaves an open goal. if the keeper is gonna sit on the pbox line then a quick pass to someone, even someone in the pbox, could provide and easy opportunity for a goal.
DiStUrbeD wrote: and, pbox camping is about the shake, because nobody is going to shoot from way outside the box with any luck. gib is just an added bonus

but with gib off its possible to have runners going through the box to knock defenders away without having to worry as much about an almost certain death...

i really think getting rid of gib would open up play stop people from having to result to lame moves because opportunities for normal shots will surface.

Posted: 30-10-2003 09:45
by DiStUrbeD
did you not read my whole post?

the defender swings behind the keeper (i.e. in the keeper box, with enough people it will be really tough to score, and with a keeper sitting at the line, it would be hard to get a good shot off in the first place)

and i am not for getting rid of gib, would be stupid. Would take the death, out of deathball

Posted: 30-10-2003 14:21
by gemXX
There are countless ways of countering a defense that places 5 men in the pbox. Removing instagib in the area would cause other problems that have been mentioned already. Increasing shot power is not needed, its possible to get off a powerful enough shot from outside the area.

Posted: 30-10-2003 16:06
by theberkin8or
gem plz explain these countless ways to get through a group of 5 ppl in pbox area without a huge amount of luck? 5 men in a line can pretty much cover the whole of the goal area so unless you 1. get lucky 2. the d is stupid 3. are fucking amazing i don't see how you are geting through that d... volleys make it POSSIBLE but volleys shouldn't be the only way to score.else why not just stop calling prim fire "shoot" and just call it "euro-reg-pass" even with volleys there is a lot of luck involved in score on 5 men in the box (4 is what i see played the most because the 5th man is generally over kill)

btw i remember davidm responing to my long ass post on pbox camping by saying there are ways to get around pbox camping... guess what that way was... you guessed it broomstick/penix :x so what are the new ways davidm?

also croaker i am all for the removing of boost from db. :) only i would make it so that you could still boost ppl away just that after you have been boosted you have no more jumps and i would up the number of players on the field to 12 (6 v 6)... but it seems nobody except me wants to play a game with that much thinking/planing is involved :p note to davidm this is a lot more like soccer and would result in more soccer like movement on the field ;)

Posted: 30-10-2003 16:35
by Inphidel
ok instigib is important.. unless we want to see a bigger trend in touch down goals :)

I like the idea of a faster full charge shot.. i always thought it looked a little slow. but then wouldn't volly hafta be increased so it balances out?

Posted: 30-10-2003 16:49
by theberkin8or
lol the point is that right now volley is too powerful and so it would be balanced by increasing shot power

Posted: 30-10-2003 16:55
by Fallen
Faster shot = \o/