a little grafic thing... show me...

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Post by Ker]v[et »

omg now it gets all over into "u r a noob" "i am better as you" "im ps master for xy years" etc.

dudes open a "pro" forum and lame eachother on there :p

and Rage: yes yours look like it hasnt taken more than 5 mins
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Post by FeEdiKo »

he started, mum!

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Post by Armagon »

I've only been working with photoshop for about 6 months now. I'm not crap, but I'm not great either. Rather than spending time saying, "I've only been doing this stuff for 6 months, look how good I've gotten!" On the contrary, I've been spending all the more time, learning as many new techniques as I can.

Although there is probably little need to, here are links to some good Photoshop tutorials you'll find on the net:
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Post by speedy »

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Post by Armagon »

Me likey.
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Post by Ker]v[et »

Ty for posting the links Armageddon^^ Good Idear 4 newcommers to take a look there

quite nice speedy :D
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Post by Armagon »

I was bored, so I whipped up another one. It's nothing special, I know.
For those of you unaware, the background is a part of my map, DB-Chamber.
Last edited by Armagon on 06-10-2003 23:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

FeEdiKo wrote: lol i've doing stuff with ps over 2 years too (a shame that my hdd crahed so i can't show youmy early works /o\)

and why are you posting your works you've done more than 1,5 years ago? 0_o

my sig... yeah took my like 4 minutes but if you look at the details you would see that it's more than just a background with a text on it... :confused:

but ffs, calm down... can't you take any criticism?

and btw: i think xill's sig is kinda good. looks like a ps-action tho...

well its a preset i made ages ago, ive got a whole bunch of em, flames, metallic, wood etc, grass. Tho they were all created by me it just saves me doing the necessary changes each time i wanna use them, and yeah my sig is ok i guess, obviously didnt take long, the only thing that took any effot whatsoever was getting the character in a position where it looks like shes blinded by the x. It does its job tho, says my name and one of my quotes=) and besides unlike u super pro's i don't pretend im any good at the program=) but rage, yours looks really cluttered and theres basically too much going on, just constructive criticism so dont come back with something like "omfg ive been doing this 2 years im a super elite dude" because i really couldn't care less=)
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Post by f1end »

RaGe|DB wrote: omg u guys suck more
ok do this
ctrl + alt + x

then do "smart highlighting" off u go
nobody knows this for some reason
but u guys WILL thank me

Rage...thats exactly what i was explaining...but not with the shortcut key :p

Oh...and if we're having a "whose been using photoshop longest" competition, I'd like to enter...I have been using it for 10 years...since version 2.5 (b4 it even had layers)...so ne ne ne ne ne :D
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Post by FeEdiKo »

i just said that because rage did... it doesn't matter how long you've been working with it.

and i'm not saying that i'm good, i just think everyone could have made that pic :confused:

see you on friday \o
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Post by speedy »

thanks :p
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Post by Messy »

I liked RaGe's first image, the 2nd one is too cluttered n stuff but there's no need to bitch @ eachother =)

Ok u know what? I've got the answer, let's all bitch at me instead, because i can't do anything besides using pencil tool-thingy in ms paint, and because i simply don't care =)

Go on bitch at me ^_^
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Post by Sixty »

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Post by speedy »

i use magnetic selecting because it doesn't leave any shit behind rage :)
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Post by Om3Ga »

I aint been using ps that long, still need to learn a lot of stuff.
Last edited by Om3Ga on 11-10-2003 15:11, edited 1 time in total.